J.S- Scars

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/ To anybody that is suffering from depression or self-harm. You can do it. You can make through it. It'll be alright, not now but things are gonna get better. I love you and I'll support you x / 

"Y/n?" Joe called out, as Y/n got out of the bathroom. Joe was sitting in his living room as he called her, "Be there in a sec, Seph" She replied, hurriedly covering her wrists with her sleeves.

As she went down, Joe gazed up to her, making eye contact before signalling her to come and sit down, which she obliged. 

"Love, you're beautiful" Joe whispered as he ran a hand through her silky hair. Y/n blushed and looked down, Joe grabbed her chin, making her look into his sparkling blue eyes. 

"Love?" Joe said. "Yes?" She replied.

"Show me your scars" He softly asked, never breaking eye contact.

"Why?" She asked quizzically

"So, I can count how many times you needed me when I wasn't by your side.." He replied, pulling her closer to his chest.

He loved her. She loved him. And that's what matters the most.

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