Valentine's Day

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First kisses as a couple


"no! Joe! Stop!" she giggles as Joe tickles both her sides. Her laughs filled Joe's room and she tired squirming around his grip.

"Not a chance, missy!" Joe laughs back. She giggled and tried punching Joe but it was no use since Joe had her weak under his grip.

Joe stops and she pants for air, "thank you J-"

Joe pressed his lips on hers, the feeling of ecstasy flowing their bodies. She felt her cheeks heat up yet she soon molded into the kiss.

She swang her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. As they pull away, gasping for air, Joe smiles and caressed her cheeks.

"I love you so much, Joseph" she whispers. Joe smiled and pressed his forehead with hers, "I love you more than most, Y/n"


Y/n took in a deep breath as she watched others perform on stage. This was her last dance recital and she had to make this right.

"Y/n" Jack's soothing voice rang in her ears. She looked over her shoulder and bit her lower lip, "what if I screw up, Jack?"

Jack shot her an assuring smile and kissed her forehead, "you won't. I promise"

"Y/n L/n" her name was called. She looked at Jack and frowned, "wish me luck-"

Jack pressed his lips on hers.

She kisses back, blushing at the same time.

As they pull away, Jack pats her head.

"Goodluck, baby"

First born


"Josh?" Y/n called out as she opens her right eye, looking at Josh's side of the bed. He wasn't there, so were his slippers.

She yawned and stretched her way out of their room, walking down to their son's room only in Josh's shirt.

She peaked her head through the light blue door and her heart melted.

In the corner of the room, sitting in the chair, Josh had their son in his slender arms.

"Josh?" she whispers, not wanting to wake the little boy in her lover's arms. Josh looks up and smiles, "hey"

She closes the door behind her and walks towards them. She leans her chin on Josh's head and smiles, "you know, he's beautiful" she said.

"Of course he does, he's our child" Josh said, a toothy grin plastered on his lips.



"Oliver!" she hisses as she covers her 5-months old daughter's ear. Oli blushes in embarrassment and clears his throat, "sorry, love" he said and kissed Y/n's forehead.

Oli excused himself out of their room as Y/n rocked the baby girl to sleep.



first "i love you's"


"what if your parents don't like me?" Caspar panicked as he pulls up in her parent's driveway.

"Casp, they'll love you"

"How do we know that? Have you read the article about-"

"I love you, so they must" she smiles, pecking Caspar on the lips. Caspar's heart fluttered as her words repeat in his mind.

"I love you too, Y/n"


"can I help you?" she pouts as she sits next to Conor. Conor puts the pen down and looks at her, "of course, love" he smiles.

"so what song are you working on now?" she asked, playing with the music sheets. Conor sighed, "I really don't have one in mind. Seems like I've lost inspiration"

She fakes gasped, "are you crazy? You're Conor flippin' Maynard! Come on there must be-"

Conor pecks her lips and starts writing the title, R U Crazy

"damn, I guess you're my inspiration all along, Y/n" he winked and kissed her forehead. Y/n rolled her eyes and giggled.

"I love you, Y/n" he softly said as his eyes twinkled. She blushed and smiled, leaning her head against his shoulder.

"I love you too, Con"

i may or may not put Mikey in this☺️ just tell me if you want him to be in this.

Cheers and Happy Valentine's Day y'all xo

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