J.S- "Love?"

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Y/n woke up next to Joe. A smile crept on her lips as she saw how peaceful Joe looked. She got up and went to the kitchen. She turned the stove on and heated the pan, she was making pancakes. Joe's favorite.

She finished cooking and made hot chocolate, looking at the glass slide window, she saw droplets of rain pouring.

She stretched her slender arms and jogged up to his room.

Opening the door, another smile was present on her small pink lips. Joe was still in the same position as she left him awhile ago, she went closer to him.

She sat down next to her sleeping beauty.

Shaking him by the shoulders, lightly. Her eyebrow knitted and her face softens. She leans over to his face and kissed his forehead.

As her soft lips touched his skin.

Her heart broke and tears rolled down her  cheeks.

He was cold. The reason why he didn't move a bit was because..

He, the famous Thatcherjoe, was dead for 12 hours.

She cried silently as she called the emergency services. She was waiting for someone to answer, she ran her hands through his silky hair.

The call ended and her breath hitches as she looked down to her boyfriend. He was laying still and peaceful. Y/n broke down, sobs echoed the room. She could never see his blue eyes that would shine as a million Sapphires, his laugh that wasn't too much but was soothing to her opinion, his voice that was angelic even when he wasn't feeling well, and his smile. His smile that would make the sun jealous because it shined brighter that it.

She hugged Joe, his lifeless body not reaching to the way her arms were around him.

"Love?" His words whispered to her ear. She fluttered her eyes open and it met Joe's shinning ones. She breathed heavily and Joe sat her up. She looked around and her eyes teared up as they landed on Joe, his laptop in his lap and phone in his hand. His brows were furrowed and his expression was nothing but curiosity and worry.

She flung her arms around him and Joe tensed a bit, but soon relaxed. Joe put his gadgets away and hugged her back, "Don't leave me" She whispered into his chest. Joe kissed her head and hugged her tightly, "I won't, Y/n. I'll never"

I'm sorry! HUHUUHUHUHUHUHUHUH I didn't mean to make it sad............................ on purpose............

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