C.S - Lone Dancer

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| feels trip y'all |

The curtains that were in front of her start to slowly go up. She positioned herself as her mentor instructed.

Her breath hitches as the music begins to play, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I can't believe you, Casp!" Y/n shouted as she ran a hand through her hair.

"I'm sorry. I-i really am" Caspar said in between sobs.

She takes her first step, gliding her ballet shoes across the wooden stage.

She twirls her arms around, feeling the music at the moment.

"I thought you loved me" "I did"

"then what happened?" she shakily asked, looking up to the boy she once loved.

Caspar looked at his feet and sighed, "I just... I was lonely"

She twirls around, her body gracefully one with the music that left everybody breathless.

In the corner of her eyes, she saw Caspar. Caspar was standing behind the curtains with tears in his eyes.

she covered her face with her hands and let out a deep breath.

"You couldn't have told me that I wasn't enough" she whispered.

"I'm sorry-" he said, touching her shoulder but she quickly moved away.

"please don't touch me"

She looked at the crowd, seemingly lost at the moment. The tears were still rolling down her cheeks as she prepared for her final jump.

"w-what does this mean for us?" Caspar hiccuped. She stood up and walked towards the door.


She leaped in the air, stretching her legs as wide and bending her back. Caspar looked at her in awe.

She looked like an actual angel. A blessing that Caspar let go.

"It means we're done, Caspar" and with that she walked out of Caspar's flat and out his life.

She bowed, careful enough not to let her tiara slip.

"Give it up for Y/n! The lone dancer!" the emcee said. The people gave her and standing ovation, applauding to the elegant dancer.

Caspar smiled and walked away, proud of his girl.

She glanced to where Caspar stood but he wasn't there anymore. She plastered a fake smile and waved at the people.

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