C. M - Help me

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Breathe in, breathe out. I tell myself as I bite my lower lip. I was sat down in the corner of my bedroom, everything was silent, except for the sound of my fingers tapping the cold floor.

My breathing became heavy, as if something was stopping me from to breathe. I look around my room but it was dark. "C-conor..." I choked out, feeling tears clouding my eyes.

Conor's not coming back

Everybody hates you

You're never worth it

Conor's happy and you're not the rea-

Suddenly, arms were suddenly wrapped around me. A familiar scent filled my nose, a familiar warmth, and a familiar voice, "Listen to me, N/n. Stay with me, okay?"

I looked up and everything was vibrant and alive, especially his eyes. His eyes that were passionately looking into mine.

"Conor?" "I'm here. I'm so sorry if I didn't came early, baby" he said, putting loose hair behind my ear. He kissed my forehead and hugged me tighter, "I'll help you out of this. I'll fix you" he cooed, cupping my cheeks.

He leans in and I close my eyes, feeling his lips on mine.

"I love you, princess" He whispered, wiping my tears away. I smiled weakly, "I love you too, Con"

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