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blythe.gilbert added blossomshirley to a groupchat

blythe.gilbert: hey anne
blossomshirley: well hello gilbert.
blythe.gilbert: i have a question.
blossomshirley: i most likely have an answer😊
blythe.gilbert: who is noah?
blossomshirley: oh him🙄he's a nuisance. i've known him since i was young but he has changed. i think he is moving close to us also🙃
blythe.gilbert: well if he causes you any problems i'll be right there to defend you.
blossomshirley: why thank you but i think i can handle myself;)
blythe.gilbert: you wanna hang out?
blossomshirley: yeah! i'll meet you by the old school in 10!
blythe.gilbert: alright:)



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blythe.gilbert So...Anne found a cat🤦🏻‍♂️🐱
{tagged: blossomshirley }

489 likes 67 comments
blossomshirley HEY! if i see a cat i am gonna pick it up!!
verybarry classic anne😂
mylifeasjosie is there a name??
itsjerrybaynard00 ^it is shirbert;)
rubyyyy what's shirbert?
blythe.gilbert @blossomshirley you're a dork🤗
cambell.o.brien MY OTP ASJSJEUEHS❤️❤️

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