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Hello there, I just wanted to say that I am from Czech republic so If something will not make sense, please tell me ( No one will read this anyway XD)

Leo looked at his katana, his eyes we're so clouded with with tears that he can barely see any thing. He let out his tears, grab his katana and jumped in to the shadows.
He was running to his secret place where no one can bother him.
It was abonded house, it was very dirty there but Leo didn't care, he was glad that he has some place where he can be alone. He sat on a floor and for a while he just stared to nowhere, he then let out sobs and put his head on his knees.
"W-why is it a-always M-ME? " he sobbed uncontrollably.

In the lair

" Guys, it's almost midnight and Leo didn't come back... " Donnie told his brothers with worried.
"Who cares?! He is almost 18 he can take care of -" "This isn't like him Raph and you know it! I'm going to find him! " Donnie said but Raph had argument's (like always -_-)

Raph and Donnie fought almost 30 minutes but then Mikey said: " Guys! Stop fighting! Let's just call Leo to make sure he is OK, if he won't answer, we will go find him. " Mikey said, Raph and Donnie we're embarrassed that Mikey is taking it under control while they can only fight.

Mikey started to call Leo but when he did that, every body heard Leos T-phone he was already in the lair.
Every body ran to Leo.

"Where we're you!? " Raph started " we were worried sick! "
Leo did not reply, he went to his room and hopped to his bed.
The three brothers looked at each other with worried. " Dudes, I think we broke him" Mikey said " Nonsens! He just need some sleep, he will be fine. " Raph said but he was afraid that Mikey was right...

Next morning

The turtles we're fighting in the dojo. It was now only Leo and Raph.
"Come on Leo, are you scared?" Raph tries to provoke Leo but Leo didn't do anything he just held his katanas and stayed concentrate.

Raph attacked Leo, Leo Dodge, again and again and again until Raph said silently "Tch- LAME-O-NARDO" No one heard that except Leo.
He ran to Raph so fast that Raph already regret what he said. Leo throw with his katanas Raph's sai's away and pineted Raph to the floor.

"Yame! " Splinter said, Leo just went sit next to his brothers and Raph did the same.

"That was an excellent fight Leo! " Donnie said to his big brother to cheer him up " Thanks... " Leo said, but it sounded like he did not care, he just kept staring to the nowhere.
Donnie felt horrible...

After training Mikey asked " What are we going to do this day Leo? Another patrol or training...? " Leo slowly looked at his brother. His eyes were so cold and dead, It wasn't ocean blue any more that Mikey new.


"...I don't care..."

I know it's short but I am too lazy right now.
Don't worry next chapter is coming soon ;)

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