Secret friend

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Leo was going thru woods for a 2 days until he finnaly fund what he was looking for.

It was a tiny house with big garden where were horses and some cats.
Leo knocked on the doors, he stood there for a while until someone opened the doors.
It was a teenage girl who opened the doors. She had short curly hair with color like a fire and dark turquoise eyes.

She looked at Leo with wide eyes, she could not believe her eyes.
"Leo?! What are you doing here? "
She said and hug him tighty.
When they pull of the hug Laura saw tears in Leo's eyes.

"Leo? What's wrong? What happened? "

Leo looked at her, his tears already ran from his cheeks " I-I...... I-"
He couldn't speak how hard he cried.

"Come in, I will make some tea and then you can tell me what happened "
Laura said, it was crushing her heart to see Leo like that.

After some minutes the tea was done, it smells so good and it even taste good.
Leo looked in the tea in the cup started remembering how he and Laura met.

Flash back ( in season 3)

Leo was walking in the woods, he could not believe that after so many months his leg is not heard enough.

"I am only taking guys down... Hmm I am here like 40 minutes,... I should go back... " Then... He realized that he is lost. "Oh shoot! "
It was dark already so it was pretty hard to orient.

Leo was trying to find a way back home but it was pointless.
"Ugh! Now this is great! If I could just climb on the top of the trees I could find a way home but NOPE! I have broken leg and I can't do fu*king nothing! "

Leo tried to calm him self and continued in walking.
(My brothers must be worried sick...) Leo thought sadly.

Then he saw a light! Could it be April's old family house?
He went nearer the light and saw that it isn't April's house. It was just some tiny house, Leo was hiding behind the trees, he thought it would be best if he just go before someone sees him, but then someone bumded into his she'll.
"OW! What the hell is this kind of tr-"
It was a girl, she had some bags and boxes filled with forest fruit.

They stared at each other, Leo didn't know what to say to not scare her, while she was thinking the same.

"U-um h-hello? D-don't worry, I-Im a friend-" "You know, I am not an alien, you can talk to me normally... A-and... Why don't you run away? Aren't you scared of me?
"W-well yeah, I kinda am but... Just because you are not a human doesn't mean you are not good per- ehmm turtle...? "
Leo was shocked that she isn't running away.
The awkward silence appeared...
Laura studied his body, his ocean blue eyes, the scars on his plastorm and she stopped when she saw his leg.

"Oh my God! You are injured, please come with me so I can heal it. "
"What? O-oh this, nah it's fine I have it like this for 4 months-"
"So it didn't heal up... Hmmm, that's weird, it should be held by this time... Please come with me, I want to look at it"
Leo thought for a moment, but then he agreed. It was late and there is no chance that he will find a way home, so he went with Laura to that house he saw.


"Ah, I see what's the problem, the bone is in wrong position... I... will have to move that OK with you?"

" Do anything, I will be glad when it finally heal up"

"OK... Here I come... "


"AAAGGHH! " Leo yelds from the pain.
"Are you OK?! " Laura said in worry.
"Y-yeah... I'm fine" "OK, now try to stand up" Leo did what what she said.

It... It doesn't hurt anymore!

"I-I'M STANDING! " Leo shouted and started to jump. He was very happy.
"How did you do it?! " he asked exicitedly.
"I Studied medicine so I know what to do... " Laura said and began to blush.

"Well, thank you very much, you don't even know how much you helped. By the way, my name is Leo. "

"I'm Laura"

After a little chat Leo went back home.
After that, Leo visited Laura every evening until he and the others came back to the New York.

End of flash back ( it's lame, I know -_-||

Leo smiled a bit when he remembered how his brothers cared about him.
"So,... " Laura sat down "what happened? "

Leo told to Laura everything. How his brothers hate him, how his father doesn't understand and how he is useless.

"Oh Leo, I don't know what to say, but I think your brothers doesn't hate you, they just don't understand. "
"I know,... But... I just.... *sigh* I just think, no I KNOW they don't need me..."

"...will you come back to them? "



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