Chapter 17

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Hello readers!

I honestly have nothing to say...

Magnus POV

After explaining to everyone how I am alive, they are in shock.

"So you're saying that we go to heaven or hell deciding on every single thing we do?" Alec asks. "You know, if we're breaking the Law, but we save the world, how would that be weighed?"

I shake my head. "I told you, I only met her for about two minutes. Then I woke up." He smiles, and I hug him quickly so not to disgust his family.

Then, Robert asks Alec about the Inquisitor. He relays the story of what the Consul did. "I wonder if he'll be the new Inquisitor," he says.

"Well, the present Inquisitor will get a trial. And we don't know how supportive the Clave will be of us. Besides, that man is very persuasive," Maryse adds.

Just then I hear boots clanking on the floor. "Let's hope they go for you two," the Consul says, smiling. "I'm very optimistic on the matter. Alexander, could you come with me? I'd like to talk to you."

Alec nods his head, but I pull him back. "Nuh-uh. No way are you going off with another Inquisitor. I'm not doing this again," I tell him urgently.

He gently shakes me off. "Mags, he saved my life. I can trust him." Then he follows the Consul after giving us all a confident smile.

Alec POV

I walk into the Inquisitor's office behind the Consul. He beckons for me to sit at the desk opposite from him. "I presume you have questions?"

"Yeah," I answer. "How come you didn't act sooner? Why does the Inquisitor hate me and Magnus so much? Was he in league with Sebastian? Why would-"

"Woah," he cuts me off. "Slow down. I'll answer your questions if you ever stop talking." He gives me a good-natured smile.

"Why didn't I act sooner? For one, I was still under the impression that being homosexual was a bad thing. Secondly, the Inquisitor was very persuasive. He is like the demon Adolf Hitler, the one the mundanes believed was human."

"Believe it or not, 20 years ago, the Inquisitor's brother came out. His father was the Inquisitor at the time, and was very strict. They both hated the brother and casted him out. Ever since, the Inquisitor has had a special anger just for gays."

I nod. "I've heard that story."

"And no, he was not in league with Jonathon, or Sebastian as you call him. Any other questions?"

Now I turn uncomfortable. "Are you going to throw me out?" I whisper.

Surprisingly, the Consul takes both of my hands. I try to pull away, because I am even more uncomfortable, but he holds me fast. "Never," he answers gravely. "You will always be welcomed here for so long as I am Inquisitor. Understood?"

I nod quickly, then he lets go. "Thank you so very much," I say, then run out of the door.

Magnus POV

Alec returns looking relieved. "He was just reassuring me that I will be okay in the Clave."

I sigh, letting out the breath I didn't even know I was holding. I look over at Alec, and he is looking at me. I know what we are both thinking: home. Clearing my throat, I tell the rest of them we are going home, and I start to make a Portal. But before I can perform any magic, Maryse pulls me back.

"Oh no," she says, sounding certain. "After all of this, I am not letting Alec out of my sight for at least a month. You two can stay at the Institute."

"And," Izzy adds, "we can help plan the wedding!" (A/N: Yes, that's still happening. I know there's been a lot of shit happening, but I will get to that eventually. )

Alec looks at a loss for words. "But Mom-"

"No buts. It's settled," she answers.

"Can we talk in private?" I ask. Then, before waiting for an answer, I pull Alec into another room.

"We can't stay there for a whole month!" Alec protests.

"Yes, we can," I answer. "We always spend all of our time at the apartment. We never stay at your house."

His face turns red in frustration. "Okay, one, I thought you didn't even like my family. And two, we spend all of our time at the apartment because we freaking live there, Mags."

But I am not giving up. "No. We are staying there, and that's final. Besides, Izzy can help plan the wedding," I say with a smile.

Alec smiles and leans into me. "Okay," he whispers into my shoulder. "If you say so."

I kiss him once on the lips. "I say so."

He pulls me back in for another kids. This one is longer and deeper. "I missed you a lot. Thank the Angel we finally get to settle down."

I take his hand and we go back to the others. "Let's get packing," I say.

Jace POV

As Magnus makes the Portal back to home, Alec and I talk about everything that has happened. It feels so good to be actually having a normal conversation with him again, or as normal as it can get.
"I missed being your best friend," I tell him.

He smiles. "Me too. There's just been a lot going on, you know?"

I smile back. He looks so much happier. He has since that day in Alicante when he first kissed Magnus in public. I will never get tired of him looking so happy, so free.

"So, when do you guys want the wedding?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Well, I haven't had much time to think about it, huh, Jace?" he says with a laugh. "But I want it as soon as possible. Maybe... September?"

Just then, the Portal opens, and Magnus claps his hands. "Okay, people, lets go!"

"You sound like a flight attendant," I observe.

"Sir," he answers in all seriousness, "Please refrain from speaking when the captain is."

I laugh and step through the Portal after Alec. We end up just outside the doors of the Institute. I take in our surroundings. It's good to be home.

Then, I notice something off. At the door, there is a girl. She is about 21, and exceptionally pretty, with black hair like Alec's and green eyes. She is smiling shyly, like she doesn't know if she'll fit in.

"Well, well, who's this?" Clary's voice cuts through the shocked silence.

Robert steps forward and puts an arm around the girl. "This is Erika Glimmerthorn. She will be staying with us for the next month."
I couldn't give up on this story, not yet!

So I added another plot twist!
A girl.

btw, I found the Sebastian emoji.

Anyways, I hope you liked it!

Vote, comment, enjoy! ♡

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