Chapter 27

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Hello readers!


it's a long story, but just enjoy my presence.


I'm going to make this a really special welcome back chapter. (btw dont read this chapter of you haven't read cohf bc spoilers)


Alec POV

Dear Alec...

I smile. I remember this little journal, with all of Magnus's life written on it, all the secrets he never told me.

I get it now. I get that you felt like you were in the dark. You have to understand that I've never loved someone like I love you. I was just so afraid you'd hate me for all the things I've done.

But now I know it's better to tell you everything.

A shadow darkens the page of the journal. "Why's that out?" Magnus asks. I can hear the faint smile in his voice.

"No reason," I say as I put it down and turn around to face him. "I'm just going through some old things in here."

His face darkens, possibly remembering the horrible choice he had to make, and Simon's sad fate. "That was a fucked up week," he states blandly.

I smile and wrap my and arms around him. "That it was," I agree. "And yet," I kiss him on the nose lightly, "it turned to be pretty okay, huh?"

Our mouths meet. I hope to help Magnus through this horrible memory, trying to distract him.

I think it's working.

Magnus smiles into our kiss, he tastes familiar and smells like sandalwood. When we break apart, I whisper, "We're okay."

"We're more than okay," he whispers back, pulling me into an embrace.

*time skip* (imagine TARDIS noises)

Magnus POV

Finding the right suit for me has been hella hard.

I mean, this is going to be my wedding day. I have to look fabulous, even more so than usual. Even my favorite Downworld designer, Vincent, had trouble helping me.

What can I say, I'm a drama queen.

I still have clients, even though this past month has been so hellish. As Alec and I cuddle and watch TV in his room, my phone rings. The contact says 'Richard the Ex', so when I pick it up, I an dreading it. (A/N: Richard is from The Course of True Love in the Bane Chronicles. Read it.)

"Richard," I yell into the phone. Alec glances over. He knows who Richard is, so he looks worried. "I am in the middle of canoodling! What could you possibly want at-" I pause and look at my watch. "-11 at night?"

Alec looks at me harder. "Canoodling?" he whispers. I shrug as Richard continues.

He takes a deep breath, as if to suppress his stupid anger towards me. "Magnus, you know I'd only call you if it was really serious. It's Catarina. She's hurt."

That gets my attention. I sit up, pushing Alec off of me, and walk out the door. I can hear him behind me protesting, but the world seems blurry. My hearing is muffled.

It used to be me, Ragnor, and her. We were a team.  Ragnor's dead, so she and I, we're it. If she dies I don't know what I'll do.

"Where is she?" I ask, determined.

Richard tells me she's at the hospital, where she was hurt by a werewolf patient who's mind wasn't quite all there. I hang up, and I'm about to leave the Institute when I feel a hand on my arm. Alec's hand.

"I'm coming," he says, and from the look in his eyes I know I can't convince him otherwise. "Fine. Let's go," I say.

As I hail a taxi, Alec breaks through my thoughts. "You know, this is kinda like our first date," he says wryly. "Richard, insane werewolves, missions."

But I'm in no mood for joking. "Yeah, well this is different. It's Cat, not some girl we just met. Don't joke, Alexander."

He frowns as we get in the cab. The ride is utterly silent except for the soft sound of Alec's stele as he applies runes.

"You don't need those," I tell him. "I'm just going there to heal."

He doesn't stop applying. "It's a precaution."

I wonder what our cabby thinks about us. A seemingly goth guy with a tattoo problem and an obviously gay guy with too much glitter and vibrant colors. What a pair we must make.

I smile to myself. What a pair.

When we get to the hospital, we jump out and run upstairs to the Shadow wing, the one the mundanes don't know about.

There on the ground when we walk in is Cat, laying on the floor, a dozen various Downworlders surrounding her, Richard included. I gasp involuntarily, and Alec grabs my hand to support me.

I push through the people blocking me and take a good look at Catarina. She has a deep gash down her left side, and her normally dark blue skin is very light. Not a good sign.

Judging by where she's hit, her lungs aren't punctured, which is good, but she may have gotten an organ or two cut up. She's not healing at all.

"Magnus?" she whispers. "Is that you?"

I grab her hand and squeeze it. "Yeah. It's me. Sorry I'm a bit late. Traffic was ghastly."

"Don't waste my time Magnus," she says with confidence, then her voice gives way and she gasps for breath.

This time it's Richard who speaks. "All of her healing energy is being used just to keep her alive. She needs more strength."

Alec, who's hand is still in my other one, whispers, "If you need my help, let me know. I'm going to find out the deal with this werewolf." He gets up and walks away.

I start to channel my energy into Cat. I can feel myself getting tired, but I don't care.

Richard, being the annoying bastard he is, decides he wants to talk more. "So, you're marrying a Shadowhunter. Interesting."

My energy is still sapping. I may be unconscious by the end of the night. "Yeah," I answer through gritted teeth. "Do. . . you have. . . a problem?"

He holds up his hands in an offended gesture. "Not at all. I just want to know why I wasn't invited. I absolutely love weddings."

"He doesn't like you, asshole," Catarina answers for me. Her blue color is returning.

Now Richard really looks angry. "Well," he huffs, then pauses. At a loss for words, he stutters and leaves. By this time a circle of Downworlders have gathered around me, watching me and Cat, the space between out hands glowing.

Finally, she is strong enough to sit up. "Ooh, my leg fell asleep," she says good-naturedly. Then, she takes a better look at my face and frowns. "Magnus, are you okay? You look sorta pale."

The edges of my vision are black, and the darkness is starting to creep inward.

Inward into unconsciousness.
Don't worry everything's fine with Magnus. I just had to end it bc I'm tired.

Sorry if this chapter is really shitty, I'm out of practice. :/

three chapters left! dayyyuumm.

Vote, comment, enjoy! ♡

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