Chapter 23

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Hello readers!

Yeah so sorry time...
mmhmm. STOLEN.
Then I got a new one.

The End
Alec POV

I pull Magnus into my room, close and lock the door, then push him onto the bed.
(A/N: I just realized that kinda sounded sexual...)

"Why the hell did Jace have to track me down to tell me that you and Erika are plotting to ruin me?!" I scream at him.

Magnus looks like he's about to cry. I have never seen him this vulnerable; his mascara is starting to run. Then I realize I'm crying too, but silently, the tears warm on my cheeks.

"A-Alec. . ." he stammers. He takes a few seconds to put himself back together again and takes a deep breath. "When Izzy told me what was going on, I had no idea. Jace was confused. I was arguing with Erika, but using sarcasm. It must've sounded like we were plotting. But we weren't, please believe me." He's sobbing now. The look in his eyes is something I've never seen before. He looks so sad, so desperate.

But I'm not giving up easily. "How can you prove it?" I demand.

He stands up and comes to where I'm standing. His eyes pleading, he places a hand on my cheek. "Do you really think I'd do that? Even though we're so happy?"

"Maybe," I answer, "after us fighting and everything."

Now Magnus is smiling. "Oh please, it was just a fight. I'm not going to 'ruin you', as you so dramatically put it, just over something as little as that."

Little? How can immortality be little? How can children be little? "By the Angel, Mags, you still don't understand. Those things we argued about, they weren't little to me. They are so important to me."

I notice his hand hasn't left my cheek, so I put mine on top of it. "Nevertheless, I think you're telling the truth."

Then, suddenly, it's like a weight has been lifted off of him. He smiles, and his beautiful cat eyes gleam even though the room isn't dark. I kiss him with everything I've got, because right now it's all I need. He kisses back with the same force.

When we break apart, Magnus tells me, "I was so, so scared that we were through. My heart was beating so fast, I felt like it was going to explode."

"And you think I wasn't scared?" I ask him.

Now he's got a mischievous look on his face. "Well, let's take our minds off of it, shall we?"

Erika POV

Well then. That's that.

I've been listening to their conversation through the door. I couldn't help myself, I just thought Alec would come through. I thought...

Never mind. It's done now. There is absolutely no way he'll ever change his mind. He and that horrible Magnus will live together and be together for as long as Alec lives.

Maybe I could get Alec thinking that he'll die before Magnus. Maybe then he'll break it off!

I just need to get him alone.

I realize I've been standing at the doorway for some time now, and that there are footsteps coming from the staircase.

"By the Angel, what's taking them so long?" That's Jace.

Now Izzy speaks. "Jace, I wouldn't just go barging in."

I don't stick around to hear the rest of the conversation. Who knows what they'll do if they find me here.

I dash down the hall just as soon as Jace and Izzy reach it. Always one step ahead.

Jace POV

"Are you seriously going to open that door?" Izzy shouts at me as we climb the stairs.

"By the Angel,  what's taking them so long?" I shout, ignoring her.

"Jace, I wouldn't just go barging in," she advises.

We've reached the door, so I put my ear up against it. "Yeah, well it's not like I take orders from you," I whisper. As Izzy protests, I shush her so I can listen properly.

"Nothing. I can't hear a thing," I say after a few minutes.

She sighs. "Fine. But I'm warning you, if you find them doing anything, I am going to kill you."

I flash a smile. "Oh but Izzy, I'm indestructible." Then I open the door.

What I see isn't pretty.

Alec and Magnus are on the bed half naked, making out. They are so involved they don't even hear me open the door.

"Jesus Christ! Two in one FUCKING day!" I yell, completely horrified. Behind me I can hear Izzy come in with a gasp, then a giggle.

Alec suddenly can hear us, and he looks up, just as mortified as me. He is covered in sweat, and his face is red, but not entirely from embarrassment, I think. Magnus is still ravishing his neck, but Alec pushes him away.

"Oh, come on!" Magnus groans. "If we just keep going, they'll leave!"

I smirk. That's just like Magnus. I'd I came into a room and caught him jerking off, he'd probably just keep going, because his philosophy is that I'd leave or join in.

"Well, I see you've made up," Izzy says, trying, and failing, to hide her fangirl emotions.

Alec, who hasn't said anything yet, replies, "Yeah, so could you politely piss off?"

I put my hands up, trying my best to look offended. Izzy is giggling again, so I turn around. "Iz, you're literally 20. Grow up."

"Oh please," Magnus scoffs, "I'm 800, and if I caught you and Clary in a compromising situation, I'd be giggling."

He adds under his breath. "I certainly did with Tessa and Will."

Alec, who looks at me like I'm Satan, gets off the bed and starts to get his clothes back on. "What the hell do you want, Jace?"

"We were just wondering why you were taking so long," I answer. "Now I get it." I grin. "Though while we're here, we should probably talk revenge."

"Now who exactly are we revenging, since I see Magnus isn't a problem." I turn to see  Clary and Simon standing in the doorway. Simon is smirking his ass off looking at Alec and Magnus, but Clary is just looking at me.

Now Magnus answers. "Erika. Fucking. Glimmerthorm."
erika. fucking. glimmerthorn.

everything is happy once more!

I am so excited for the next chapter!

Also, that show Queer As Folk? Best damn thing since gay fictional characters were created.

Vote, comment, enjoy! ♡

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