Chapter 2- Embarrassing Moment...

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Marcos pov
I looked down to see a bundle of long blond hair, star was lying on my stomach fast asleep... I smiled to myself, I couldn't wake her, not now, I closed my eyes and managed to drift off asleep once again.
Stars pov
I woke up to the sound of laughing, Marcos parents were standing over me taking pictures, I was confused at first but then I saw Marco above me. I lifted my head to realise I was sleeping on Marcos stomach the whole night...
"I thought you guys were just friends?" Marcos mum laughed.
"We are it's just we fell asleep last night while we were watching a movie." Marco said sleepily. "Can you leave us alone now?"
I sat up quickly. Marcos parents left the room still laughing and looking at the photos.
I looked at Marco "im sorry."
"Not you fault, we fell asleep last night, we are never gonna live this down though."
We both laughed.
Marcos pov
I can't believe this is happening. Now my mum and dad are gonna tell eveyone about this...
"Mum, dad come here!" I shouted them
They both came in with huge grins across their faces.
"Look at this!" Mum grinned and showed me the picture, star was cuddled up to me with her head on my stomach. I couldn't resist smiling. Mum laughed "look who's smiling now."
"Shut up."
"Can I see?" Star asked and my mum showed her the photo.
"Did we seriously sleep like that?" Star looked confused.
"Yes you did, aren't you guys cute." My mum patted my head.
Star laughed.
"Guys please go away now." I tried to look angry.
My dad nudged my mum and whispered something in her ear and she began giggling.
"Starco." They both said and left the room laughing.
Stars pov
I looked over at Marco who had a huge grin across his face.
"Well, what do you wanna do today?" I asked him.
"Wanna go to that theme park hat has just opened up?"
"I have no money, I spent it all on pudding for glossaryck." I shrugged.
"I'll pay." Marco smiled.
"Your the bestest friend ever!" I moved over to him and hugged him tightly, and his parents walked in, I let go of him.
"Do not say anything, I am going to have a shower." Marco looked around and ran upstairs.
"Where are you guys going?" Marcos mum asked.
"On a date?" His dad added.
"No we are going to the theme park that just opened."
"Ok guys have fun." His mum walked away and turned around to wink at me.
Was this a date? Or just a day out?

~Quick Note~
I'm going to be trying to get as many chapters out (or finish the story) by the time I go on holiday, I'll still be writing but not as often :)

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