Chapter Ten: Closer than I Thought

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~Chapter Ten: Closer than I Thought~

"Someone wants to talk to you."

Why the mystery? Why not just tell me their name?

"And you couldn't have sent them here?" Dave asks, cutting into the conversation.

The sergeant shrugs. "She's in the middle of an important case," he replies. Uh... "Look, I don't know why she needs you, but I was told to bring you to there, so I assume she needs you for something."

I glance at Dave, fully expecting to exchange a look of confusion, but I timed it incorrectly, since I look away and then see him glance at me out of the corner of my eye. "Am I invited, too, or are you trying to steal my partner from me?" Dave asks, stepping closer to me so he can sling his arm around my neck. Normally, I would think nothing of it, but it seems almost shielding.

At least I am not the only one who thinks this is kind of fishy.

The sergeant immediately shakes his head. "Just Zito," he answers.

Okay, now it's really fishy.

"Who is 'she'?" I ask, even though I am already planning on going. Fishy or not, if someone asked for me while on a case, whether they want my help or need me to answer some questions, I cannot say 'no' without good reason. And 'this smells fishy' does not fit that bill. Still, it would be nice to know that Dave has the woman's name, in case something questionable happens.

"Detective Larson," the sergeant answers, though that name tells me nothing. And who knows how many 'Detective Larson's there are. "So, are you going to come with me or not?"

Since it is pretty clear that the sergeant is getting impatient, I doubt he would appreciate further questioning. "Yeah," I agree, albeit reluctantly. My shift ends in less than a minute and all my paperwork has been filled, so there is little actually holding me back from going.

The longer I can stay away from home, the longer I can put off making a decision on whether or not to call Aldis.

Dave does not look thrilled by my decision, though. "Dakota, this is weird," he mutters, too low for anyone but me to hear. Unless one counts the few other non-humans in the room, all who have excellent hearing, though none of them can act like they heard anything without looking suspicious.

"Yeah, but since when are things normal around me? I mean, you're my partner," I whisper back, keeping my voice as somber as possible.

He starts nodding in agreement before his head rears back, as if I flicked his nose. "You..." Dave trails off, his mouth opening and closing twice before he snorts softly. "Okay, that was a good one, and I guess you have a point. But are you sure you're okay with me not coming?"

It wouldn't be appropriate to say it here. Must resist tempta...nah. "That's what she said."

Dave looks startled by my response, since he was probably expecting me to be mature about this – his mistake – but he starts laughing really hard anyway, which makes a few other officers start chuckling as well. While Dave tries to get his laughter under control, I gesture for the now-confused sergeant to lead the way. I expect him to just head for another part of the building, since the homicide division is just upstairs, but instead he turns towards the main doors. My partner's laughter cuts off abruptly when I step out the door, as that is when he finally realizes that we are no longer next to him, but he makes no attempts to follow. At least, not overtly. There is no guarantee that he will not be hopping in a car as soon as I am not looking. He is surprisingly good at tailing people; I've seen him do it.

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