Chapter Thirty-One: Double Agent

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~Chapter Thirty-One: Double Agent~

My head is all fuzzy when I wake up. Not the I-have-been-drugged or I-hit-my-head-and-have-a-concussion fuzzy, but the I-just-took-a-really-great-nap fuzzy, which is probably why it takes me almost a full minute to muster up some panic when I do not immediately recognize the room I wake up in and the last thing I remember is walking to my car. I do not recall being hit in the back of the head with any hard objects, though – and I would probably be feeling it now if I was – so that is at least a good sign.

Maybe I fainted or something.

Looking around in curious confusion, I realize that the walls are a dull blue, the bed is rather small, and there is a person sitting in a comfortable-looking chair in the far corner. The room itself is not all that concerning, since there is an open door, though I have no idea where it leads, and an unlocked window that I could probably see out of if I were sitting up. And while I should probably be worried by the fact that I have no idea where this place is, I am more concerned about the person sitting on the other side of the room, calmly watching me try not to panic. After all, it is not like it really matters where I am if there is a god in the room with me.

"Veles?" I ask, sitting up slowly. My surprise at seeing him is thankfully buried in the back of my mind along with my growing dread as my slowly-waking brain realizes that whatever is going on cannot be a good thing. It never is when this god is involved. When Veles does not say anything right away, only proceeding to watch me with a shuttered expression, I hesitantly ask, "What's going on?"

There is a long moment of uncomfortable silence before he says, with an accent far heavier than usual, "I know you are working for my enemies."

"Sorry?" is the first thing to come out of my mouth, my brain thankfully too startled by the suddenness to actually sound guilty. "What?"

Veles does not seem fazed by my confusion. "You either created the Blood Master and the demons went along with it by having someone pretend to play the role, or you were already a trusted member of their army by the time I first met you and were, thus, privy to information few others had."

It is only because Aldis already warned me about Veles possibly knowing this that I do not show any outward surprised. However, on the inside, I really, really want to punch something. I knew it was a stupid, rash decision from the start and I wish I could take it all back.

Sadly, time travel hasn't been invented yet.

Unsure of what to say to that, I stall, "Uh..."

"It isn't up for debate," he says, before I can even consider how to deny any and all involvement with the demons. "What is up for debate is whether or not I should consider you an enemy."

Half because I am stubborn to the point of stupidity and half because something in the back of my head is warning me that this might be a test, I cautiously state, "I don't understand."

The god does not look impressed by my innocent ploy, but he does not try to give me his proof on the matter, either. Instead, he just moves on. "I know you are spying on me, or perhaps your target is Aldis," he pauses when he notices the indignation I fail to hide and chuckles before continuing, "or not, but either way, you are a spy. And spies can turn traitor just as easily as soldiers, especially with the right incentive."

He wants me to be a double agent?

There is no chance of me hiding my surprise this time, poker face or not, and Veles smirks at my temporary lapse. "I won't kill a spy when they have a use," he says. Well, isn't that a nice, little thinly-veiled threat?

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