Chapter Eighteen: A Bossy Deity

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~Chapter Eighteen: A Bossy Deity~

Everywhere I look, there are people. Most of them are human – at least, they are presumably human – but some of them are definitely not. Most of them look like they actually do business here, but some of them do not. All of them are wearing suits or some other state of formal dress, but I am not, which makes me the odd one out. It also makes me question why I decided to wait in the lobby instead of in my car in the parking lot.

The lobby I am sitting in belongs to a large law firm. Or, at least, the top three floors belong to the law firm. The other seven belong to individual companies, ranging from dentists to fancy restaurants to evil organizations hell-bent on killing a bunch of people. That last one is on the third floor.

I could probably go up and wait there, as I am sure that floor has a waiting room or something, but I feel much better being out in the open, around so many humans. This way, I am less likely to be recognized or get caught up in some kind of trouble. After all, only an idiot would start a magic fight with so many humans around. Though, now that I think about it, that has not really stopped them before; magic battles have occurred in public areas.

The cushioned bench I am sitting on is not the most comfortable, as it has no back and the wall is too far away from the bench for me to lean on it without looking super awkward. Well, more awkward than I already look, since I am the only person wearing a blue tank top and shorts in this entire place. If I had known everyone here would be dressed so formally, I would have at least changed into jeans and a t-shirt. I feel like security is going to pull me aside any moment now, despite the fact that the guard has only glanced my way once or twice in the five minutes I have been here.

"Waiting for Aldis?"

I would have startled had I not seen him coming. Ever since I walked through the doors to this place, I have been on high alert. So, of course, when I saw Veles step out of one of the elevators, which are in the middle of the lobby, in a white dress shirt and black pants with his hair pulled back into a bun, I paid attention. I pretended I was not paying attention when he started walking towards me, but I get the feeling he knew I was watching him; the smug smirk kind of said it all.

"Yeah," I reply, as he takes a seat next to me on the bench. "Do you know when the meeting is over?"

Veles seems to consider his answer for a moment before he shakes his head. "I just came from it, but they weren't finished when I left. Probably ten more minutes."

The question of why he would leave a possibly important meeting is on the tip of my tongue, but I refrain from asking. If it were Aldis, I would not hesitate to ask, but I do not know Veles. The demons seem to believe he is a god and, while I am not sure if he is actually a god, an immortal being, or someone who just uses the name Veles, I do not want to gain too much of his attention by trying to be friendly. Even if it makes him trust me more, I am not comfortable with the idea.

After a short silence, in which I debate what to do, I bluntly ask, "If Veles is the name of a god, what does that make you?"

The 'god' seems unsurprised by the sudden question. In fact, he actually looks amused. "So you did look me up," Veles wonders aloud, making it sound like I just confirmed a theory of his. And he is not wrong; after the demons mentioned the name, I did look it up. Not that there was much information. "And to answer your question, anyone can use a name, but I am the original."

Well, isn't that just great...

"Shouldn't you have a beard or something?" I ask, mostly just because it has been bothering me since I read some stuff about him. He has the dark hair and he does not look particularly strong, even if he is not as feeble as some of the descriptions led me to believe, but he lacks the beard.

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