Chapter Thirteen: Interview or Interrogation? - Part One

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~Chapter Thirteen: Interview or Interrogation?~

Tony returns shortly after I finish talking and I somehow end up chatting with him while Darren helps my dad hang a picture in another room. "You guys have been visiting my dad a lot," I observe, wondering not for the first time why they are there at least once a week. It cannot be coven business, as my dad has never shown interest in vampire politics.

"They've been lonely with you gone," my dad calls from somewhere in the background, taking advantage of the fact that I am still on speaker. Tony huffs, but his lack of argument is quite telling.

"Nothing's keeping you from visiting, you know," I remind him, just in case that was not already obvious. They have yet to actually visit me here and I will admit that I want to see them more than just twice a year at the coven gatherings.

There is a sniffle and I roll my eyes when I realize that Tony is being dramatic again. "You wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen with me?" My uncle teases.

"That was one time and it was completely justified; you were wearing a hot pink shirt that said 'Princess Bitchface'. Even Uncle Darren wouldn't talk to you until you changed," I remind him. Sometimes, I wonder how Darren, the ever-serious vampire master, could be related to Tony, the flamboyant jokester.

"He also burned that shirt before I could hide it," Tony informs me, sounding extremely petulant for a two-hundred-plus vampire.

"Good," I snort.

Suddenly, Darren cuts into the conversation, "Am I invited, too?"

"Of course not," I reply, keeping my voice serious despite the grin threatening to break out on my face. "You have a coven to run and shouldn't waste your time visiting me."

Darren hums noncommittally and it sounds like he is walking away. A second later, there is a hammer pounding away, so I assume he went back to help my dad. "How are you getting along with that partner of yours? David, right?" Tony asks, changing topics.

"Pretty good. We agreed to hang out after our shift ends tomorrow."

"From the stories your dad has told me about your adventures together, he's much better than that wolf you used to work with," my uncle comments, and though I am not sure how much he knows about what happened between me and my last partner, as I kept it quiet, he is not wrong.

"Definitely," I agree, and then hold the phone away from my ear to check the time. "I'm going to bed soon. Tell Uncle Darren that he's welcome any time and tell my dad 'Bye, Bear'."

"Bye, Cub," my dad calls, pausing in his hammering to be heard.

Tony sighs, "You two pick the weirdest nicknames."

I grin. "You have no idea."

- - - - - - -

"So, are we going to my place or yours?" Dave asks as we head down to our cars. We had already tried deciding, but then we got caught up in chasing down some speeder and forgot to continue the conversation.

Since the choice is apparently up to me, I decide, "Mine. I want to try a new brownie recipe."

Dave rubs his hands together eagerly. "If they're anything like your-"


Both Dave and I turn to face the newcomer, surprised by the interruption. The hallway leading to the staircase is almost empty – most people prefer the elevators – so it is not hard to spot the person calling my name. Before Andre can even open his mouth, Dave scowls and says, "You're not taking my partner again."

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