Chapter Eleven: Chances like This

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~Chapter Eleven: Chances like This~

Before I find a change of clothes for after the shower, I check my phone. No new messages.

Before I step into the shower, I check my phone. No new messages.

After I finish showering and am drying my hair, I check my phone. Still no new messages.

I make myself a bowl of cereal, all the while keeping an eye on my phone. Stop checking, you loser.

Despite how much I want to play it cool and pretend to not care that Aldis has not messaged me back yet, it is making me anxious and my eyes are constantly drawn back to my phone every time I look away for longer than a few seconds. Sometimes, I even swear that it buzzes, but, when I check, nothing has changed. At one point, it even does buzz, only for me to find out that it is just my phone telling me about a new upload from a Youtube channel I follow. If that was not disappointing, I have no idea what would be.

My anxiety over not receiving a reply is not solely based on the fear of whether or not he is angry over me ditching him in the parking lot. After all, if his anger means he might be feeling vengeful, even if I doubt that will happen, I now have a few people I can run to in the area if I need to go into hiding or require backup. I do not expect them to fight for me, but to have a getaway driver is really reassuring.

What really has me worried is the way I phrased my text. I have sent many texts that I have regretted immediately after, but never have I sent a text that makes it sound like I want to break up with someone when I actually don't. If this was all an act on Aldis' part to recruit me – not that I know why he would go through all the trouble if he didn't even know what I was – then fine, we break up, see if I care.

But if it wasn't, I still kind of like him and hope we can somehow figure things out for however long he plans to stay in Oregon.

I check my phone as I collect my keys. No new messages.

As I am putting my left shoe on and hopping around, I check my phone again. This is getting pathetic, stop.

I check my phone one last time as I climb into my car, ready to meet up with Dave, and then vow not to check my phone for the rest of the night when I find zero messages waiting for me. Of course, it is as I am turning on the engine that my phone's screen lights up and it starts vibrating.

Oh, Universe, why do you hate me?

Ignoring my promise not to check it again, I unlock my phone and find that it is, in fact, a text message. From Dave. I sigh loudly in frustration.

-Red or white?

Assuming he means wine and not shirt colors, I pick the former. I receive no confirmation from him that my choice was received, so I just toss my phone into the passenger's seat and pull out of the underground garage. The drive is not very long, but there is still a drastic change in scenery. It goes from nice, quaint apartment buildings near the river to shady people in shady places to an urban neighborhood full of small but fancy houses.

For a while after being partnered with Dave, I wondered how he could afford to live here, but then I learned that a lot of the shady people seen a few blocks over live here, too. There are no known drug dealers or anything like that in the area, but mafia would not be a stretch. And, apparently, that makes people a bit wary about buying property here, which led to Dave getting a great deal.

And I constantly like to remind Dave to sleep with one eye open because of it.

I park next to his car in the driveway and knock before letting myself in. He always leaves the front door unlocked when he is expecting me over, so I rarely have to use the key he has hidden under the fake rock in some random part of his garden. Said rock moves weekly, but it is easy to spot if one knows what to look for. Namely, all the lopsided colors of the rainbow, since he tried painting it himself.

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