part two

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Lauren feels herself wake up a few minutes earlier than her alarm the next morning.      

Taking advantage of those extra minutes, she began to stare at the ceiling and wonder. She wonders if heaven exists and if so, if hell does too.

If the stories aren't a myth, she knows she'll definitely meet the devil one day. But the thing is, she's not worried nor scared about it, because in reality nothing really scares her.

Perhaps, she's the devil herself.

She watches the light of the sun rising begin to lighten up her room. The curtains seem a color lighter shade than they really are and it makes her wrinkle her nose in disgust. Rising from bed calmly, she closes the window and shuts the blinds, the color returning to it's original form.

She walks slowly to the bathroom, making sure she steps on every floor tile evenly in combinations of two's. It's an old habit that she can't seem to outgrow.

Standing in front of her reflection on the mirror she closes her eyes and exhales deeply through her nose, thinking of the one thing that's been circulating her mind every second of the day.

She imagines the brown haired who has become her newfound obsession. The one she longs to see in pain. The one she'll be able to play with.

She opens her eyes and finds the green orbs orbs almost pitch black in dilation, like a demon.

She can feel the excitement rush to her fingertips all the way up to her brain. It would be time soon and the wait was driving her insane.

Every little last detail was set and she couldn't wait to kidnap the brown haired girl after her walk from the coffee shop.

Lauren plans on following after her in a chase, letting the girl feel as if she's succeeded in escaping her like the cat and the mouse game, but then entering after her in the apartment complex. In those short seconds it takes Camila to get up to her apartment, Lauren would be right there behind her. She'd capture her and bring her to her place.

She'd be her new toy.

Lauren shakes the thrilled feeling pulsating through her heartbeat. She must learn to not get too in the moment until the opportunity arrives because when feelings get involved, they always tend to ruin everything.

And so, her face and interior return to it's natural form.

The glint in her eye has disappeared and instead two cold gems stare back. Her face has turned to stone, so emotionless that she wonders if perhaps she really is human.

But, that's exactly how she likes it.


Time passes by slowly like aged wine as Lauren sits inside her parked car, shielded by the black tinted windows. She watches the brown haired girl in her habitat, like she has been for the past few weeks.

The brown haired girl Camila, types into the computer. Her slender fingers moving rapidly against the keyboard, her eyes never leaving the dark screen. She only pauses every so often to take a drink of coffee or vitamin water, except today she broke that norm and was taking sips of a kale smoothie.

Lauren is grateful that the building the girl works in is made of glass, giving her a glimpse of everything she needs to see.

She uses it to her advantage to watch the girl for hours, sometimes even the entire day.

Camila is a journalist and a good one at that too, aimed on local news and entertainment events that are focused in New York. Lauren could dare admit that maybe the brown haired girl was the best journalist that newspaper had.

Lauren is sure of it, she had read all of Camila's work before because she always makes sure to know every single last thing about her victims before she kills them.

Such as, she knows she takes her coffee with two sugars and a four second pour of almond milk. She always adds a single ice cube too, so the coffee won't burn her lips. She knows that her favorite flower is a white rose. She knows the girl has a habit of touching everything she can to feel the texture. She knows the girl pretends to dislike the rain, but secretly loves it. She knows she likes to pause while walking to stare at the clouds in the sky, perhaps admiring them.

And there's more.

She knows that the girl has never been married and lives alone, except for the company of the two rainbow fish she keeps in a glass bowl at her apartment.

She also knows that her birth parents are absent in her life, who's whereabouts are unknown/possibly deceased, and no siblings that Lauren would have to worry about fucking things up for her.

And since she never sticks around one place for too long due to her constant love and compulsion of traveling, she fortunately doesn't have enough people who care about her that would notice if she one day disappeared.

She's the perfect victim, thought Lauren.

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