part three

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Camila spins in her chair to pass time.

She spins to the left. She spins to the right. Her head feels like it's spinning, even though her chair has stopped.

She stares at the clock, daring the hands to switch.

Almost a few minutes until her shift is over and she can turn in the article that would be published in the upcoming newspaper in a few days after editing.

She isn't a fan of deadlines, but she always makes sure to put the best of work she could manage forth, and she knew this one would exceed expectations.


Minutes later, Lauren watches as the brown haired girl drops a folder off at her editor's office with a pink sticky note resting on top.

She wonder what it says and she wonders why the girl picked that color when she had four others to choose from on her desk.

The girl says her farewell to the other coworkers as she makes her way out. In a swift move, she grabs a hold of her wavy hair and presses it up in a long ponytail.

It really is a goodbye to them and they don't even know it, how ironic.

Lauren's cautious as she drives tonight, careful to not cause any suspicion to the girl she's following. Either way, the girl doesn't notice as she's too bewildered in the music she's listening through the earbuds.

The sky has begun to darken and Lauren feels an unexplainable hunger.

Almost, she reminds herself.

Now that Camila won't have any deadlines to meet anytime soon that will meet suspicion if she were to disappear, meant that the time was arriving.

The brown haired girl goes through her normal routine and Lauren isn't surprised to know how forseeable she is.

She walks into the coffee shop, orders her iced drink, chats politely with baristas working, makes herself comfortable as she takes off her coat and scarf, downs the drink while scrolling on her phone, and walks quickly to her apartment with her flashlight in her hand.

It was so fucking predictable that it's begun to bore the green eyed girl.


Lauren stays parked on the sidewalk that isn't lit by the light posts, waiting until every light in the brown haired girl's apartment is turned off, so she can leave.

She waits for a while and in those few minutes she pictures how it will feel standing in her victims home. The feeling of invading someone's haven and privacy always gives Lauren a rush of excitement.

Looking back up to her victims apartment she see's that the lights haven't been turned off yet, exposing everything inside through the open windows. Though at this point, Lauren can't quite see inside.

She guesses that it's an odd night, because the brown haired girl usually goes straight to a shower and then to bed, so this makes Lauren curious of what she's doing.

Grabbing the pair of binoculars she keeps stashed in the glove compartment, she presses herself against her car window and looks inside the apartment for as much as she can see.

She spots the vacant illuminated dining room and kitchen. A simple empty vase sits in the middle of the table and she can see a fruit rack besides the refrigerator. The walls are painted light blue, a color Lauren has grown to hate.

She gets a glimpse of the living room. The small corduroy pink sofa and flat screen television are unused as the room sits in silence. She guesses that since the brown haired girl isn't showering, she must be working on something in her bedroom.

Fixating her vision with the binoculars on the open window of the bedroom, Lauren feels her face harden to rock when she sees her victim in action.

Camila is in bed.

Hair fussed messily to the side, eyes tightly closed, biting down on her bottom lip, half naked breasts in the open, and her hand inside her underwear.

Lauren barely dares to blink as she watches the brown haired girl masturbate. The girl's hand seems to be moving in a hurry inside her underwear, like if she desperately needed it.

The hand speeds up, fingers moving in wild circular motion, and the urgency makes Lauren question what she's thinking of.

What's on her mind?

The brown haired girl finally reaches orgasm by the obvious bite of the lip. Her chest rises in heavy breaths and her toes crinkle and twitch. Her fingers that did all the work now rest lazily on her abdomen.

The brown haired girl looks entirely pleased with herself as she stares up at the ceiling catching her breath.

Lauren turns on the ignition and leaves.

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