part five

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Camila is awaken by the very thought of those electric green eyes.

The sunlight touches her skin and she presses her hand against her forehead, feeling the pouring sweat and heat of the previous night.

She could hardly sleep and taking a look at the knife she had placed on the stand besides her bed, it was obvious why.

Camila tosses the thick cashmere blanket aside and stretches her arms, the memories of last night replying in her mind like a sick nightmare.

Only, she wishes it had just been a dream.

She tries not to dwell and continues on with her morning, heating up some water on the stove. She also turns the television on at the morning news in order for there to be some type of life and sound in her apartment.

Standing in the kitchen in her underwear as she stirs the coffee mixture in a mug, she semi listens to the news and debates what she's supposed to do.

She's supposed to report Ryan to the coffee shop so he could get fired, right? Or maybe she's supposed to go to the police first and file a report against that man. God, she had no clue what she was supposed to do first.

"The weather today will have a bit of sunshine, but still be sure to wear your coats because the winds will be strong. Expect light rains tonight..."

Camila takes a long sip of the strong coffee, the aroma rich and creamy. She doesn't even feel the burn in her throat of how hot it is because she's so distracted by her thoughts.

"Standing outside of the White House is reporter Bradley Wilson, hoping to catch a few works with Donald Trump before his meetings in order to ask about all the broken promises that so called President had about protecting specific communities..."

She'll just have to figure it out, Camila thinks as she places the mug down on the dining table.

"Police are advising everyone in the state to stay indoors in case of danger. If anyone needs any assistance, be sure to call..."

She walks forth to the bathroom and removes her clothes, turning on the shower. She breathes a sigh of relief as the refreshing cold water rushes down her face and body.

Camila uses the opportunity to wash away all the disgust she felt from last night and soon enough, she starts to hum to herself as she lathers up her body with soap and body wash.

"Twenty-five year old Ryan Greenhouse has been reported missing as of last night..."

Camila's ears pick up the familiar name and in a hurry, she steps out of the shower and rushes into the living room.

She doesn't even care that her naked body is spilling water and soap all over the carpet. There went the security deposit.

"His wife, Jessica Greenhouse said he never made it home last night after his night shift at Eden's Coffee House. She states, "He always makes sure to call or text when he's on his way home from work. He just started his new job there a few nights ago, but this time he never came back. This is unlike him and when hours began passing by is when the concern grew."  If anyone has any sightings, please report any information to your nearest police station. Back to you, Christine."

Camila feels an alarming chill against her neck as she hears the news report. She knows it's not a coincidence, especially since she's sure she was last to see him.

She wouldn't be a suspect, would she?

She remembers hearing him scream after she had begun to run away. It was a different scream than the ones directed at her after she kneed him.

When he screamed because of her, it was because of the pain, but the last scream she heard from him was different. It was full of horror and fear.

Perhaps, it was something that she knew could be a highly important key in his disappearance that would help the police find him.

And that brought the utter realization that what she saw the previous night wasn't her imagination. It told Camila that they weren't the only two people there present.

That would explain the footsteps she first heard following her home and the green eyes she saw in the shadows after getting to safety.

The question was, who else was there following her and what did he/she want from her?

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