pick your ending

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it's me strangers

and it's time for you to pick your ending.

this is how it'll work, there is two different alternative endings...

choose how you may, live recklessly and take your pick, or read both and pick your favorite.

i'm shitty with words but I'll give you a word for each so you can decide which type of ending you want

alternative one:  melancholy 

alternative two: bittersweet

i'll be posting them tomorrow.

you're probably thinking what the hell author, how are you going to end this story just like that after the previous chapter and well... you right

this was a one-shot meaning it was already going to be short and I originally wanted to add one more chapter before I did these endings and I know it feels very short, but after writing and thinking about it, I decided myself that part eleven was exactly what I wanted to end the last chapter being.

hope that clears some stuff up about this odd chapter and the last two to come.

anyhow, thank you for reading this. I sincerely appreciate every second you took out of your day to read something that came from my fingertips. time is such a valuable factor in my existence and the fact that you spend a few minutes on me means the world to me.

i thoroughly hope you enjoyed this story as much as i enjoyed writing it and hope we'll meet again in the near future if I write something again and I'm fortunate enough to have you as a reader

sending a kiss to every single one of you

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