part seven

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When Camila wakes up, it's because she feels her body being slumped and thrown across the ground.

Opening one eye as she comes in contact with the cold unfamiliar floor, she sees a figure wearing a white turtleneck sweater walking to a door.

Camila's vision is blurry, mostly because one eye is caked with blood and she can barely swallow because her throat feels so dry, but somehow all she's focused on is on that person.

"Is she an angel?" Camila whispers to herself, feeling her throat on fire at the sight of her.

The woman turns at that exact moment, her piercing eyes looking lifeless as ever. Her lips then turned into a cold smile, sending shivers down the brown haired girl's spine.

Camila knew it in her heart that whoever this person was, she was far from an angel.

"Who are you?" Camila asks softly, her voice rasp in need of a sip of water.

The one she thought was an angel isolates herself from the door and takes a few steps in her direction.

Camila can now see her perfectly from up close and she gasps at the color of her eyes, knowing she's seen them before.

The woman stares at her, her eyes scrutinizing every inch of skin.

Camila feels as her palms begin to sweat at the woman who looks like an angel, but gives the aura of pure evil. The woman finally clears her throat and speaks emotionless, the voice low and husky.

"I'm the devil."

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