part eight

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The ice cold water being poured on her body comes as such a shock that Camila awakes with the feeling of being electrocuted.

Her eyes open for just a second, but all shes met with is the pitch black darkness and the water that enters her mouth and trails down her throat.

Coughing out the water that she accidentally swallows, she feels a foreign hand being placed on her face and pressing down on her mouth with extreme force and pressure.

Camila feels herself start to chokes in her own spit at the lack of oxygen from the water begging to escape her throat and a slight trace of water begins to runs down the edges of her mouth in a hurry to escape.

She's about to push the hand away in an act of desperation for air when she realizes that she can't move because her own hands are cuffed to the bed she lays in.

"What the fuck?" Camila gasps onto the hand as the water overflows in her mouth.

She tries to wiggle her body and legs out of the cuffs, but they're placed so tight that she can feel them begin to bruise and cut into her skin.

Right as she's about to bite the hand that's covering her mouth as her vision starts to get light and weak, the hand is removed.

Immediately she coughs out all the water and takes large gulps of fresh air until she calms her beating heart. She can feel involuntary tears running down her face because of the suffocation.

The same green eyed girl that introduced herself as the Devil turns on a light and towers above her with a satisfied look on her face while Camila catches her breath.

"You're a fucking lunatic," Camila rasps breathily as a string of spit escapes her mouth. "You could've killed me."

Camila feels goosebumps on her arms when she sees a sinister smile creep on the green eyed girls mouth.

"Why would I kill you when I just got you?"

Camila feels the horror rise in her nerves at the response and she tries to escape the cuffs by violently swinging her arms and legs, but all she feels is the sharp pain of he retention and the sound of the green eyed girl chuckling.

"Are you done?"

"Why am I here?" Camila voice is dripping with venom in harshness as a drop of her spit lands on the woman's cheek.

The woman reaches up and wipes Camila's spit off her cheek with her middle finger. Her emerald eyes stares at the fleck of saliva for a second before wiping it on her leg.

"You'll soon understand."

"Understand what, exactly?" Camila almost screams in frustration. "That you're a fucking sociopath? You don't even know me."

"I probably know you better than you know yourself."

Camila's eyebrows arch in confusion, but she can't read anything off the blank face of the woman.

"What do you want from me?" She whispers fearfully.

The devil opens her mouth, but shuts it right as she does.

The green eyes stare directly inside her own brown ones. Camila can swear that for a moment, the eyes seem to soften up.

She doesn't know why when just a second ago all she felt was fear, but all of a sudden, she feels like maybe everything will be okay.

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