alternate ending two

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Everything will change.

That's the first thought Camila had after seeing the drawings sprawled across the once pitch black wall.

It was also the same thought she felt run through her mind after those sleepless nights when she couldn't even tell if it was night, morning, or evening due to the lack of the outside world.

The snow-kissed female with the piercing eyes seemed to act like a disappearing ghost.

One minute she was there, pacing uncomfortably by the door to ask her how she was feeling and dropping off food, the other minute, simply standing in the doorway with a blank and faraway look on her face.

The strangest minute, was the one when the brown haired female being held captive woke up in the middle of her slumber to the light silhouette of the woman standing above the bed.

Her piercing emerald eyes seemed to bore into Camila's skull as she stared down at her.

Camila unaware of what to do, stared back while stealing the chance to memorize the little details of Lauren's face.

Little did she know that Lauren was doing the same, though by now she memorized every inch of the brunette's face.

No words were exchanged, their eyes seemingly staring deeply into the others. This went on for about an hour of silence, until Camila's lids grew heavy and gave way.

Lauren acting different was... an understatement.

Camila knew there were many sides to the female, but this one seemed to be a complete mystery.

She had no idea what was going on inside that dark, yet brilliant mind of hers when she stared at her with those piercing electric eyes.

All Camila knew was that she wanted or dare she say, needed Lauren's presence.

Since her mind constantly thought of the dark haired woman every second of the day, she thought for a second that her mind was dreaming when the door opened one day and there she stood.

The angelic looking female seemed to be like a frozen statue. She wore a black velvet turtleneck and her dark hair that cascaded down her shoulders almost seemed to camouflage in contrast to the shirt.

She had her sleeves rolled up and dark circles under her usual bright, but now tired eyes. Her lips looked redder than usual and that's the first thing Camila noticed.

She paced by the doorway nervously the same way she lately was doing. She was about to change her mind and turn back like she always did until she heard Camila's soft voice.

"Want to sit down?"

Feeling an unfamiliar heated feeling along her chest upon hearing her voice, that seemed to be enough to convince Lauren to gently close the door behind her and walk slowly towards the bed.

The gentle groaning of the bed springs broke the silence in the room as Lauren took a seat beside her, leaving enough room between them as so their legs would not touch.

Sitting this close to her, Camila almost felt blinded and starved by the familiar, yet distinct figure.

The dark angel's fragrance of musky undertones and the warmth of her skin radiating in an almost electric feel seemed to be begging Camila to touch her.

Camila felt it all and she wondered if Lauren did too.

"Are you-" Camila started, but rapidly silenced the moment Lauren turned in her direction to face her as she spoke.

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