A Quiet Conversation

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A lonely goddess sat peacefully at the edge of a cliff ,staring at the bright blue and purple sky above her.The sky was filled with brightly lit stars that shined soft rays onto the meadow.

The goddess would always retreat to this meadow, for it always made her feel at peace and all her troubles that once bothered her, slowly drifted away when she was there.

But the calming sound of the waves crashing below her or the soft breeze that would always gently pass by, didn't soothe her at all as it normally did.

She had just received news that shocked her very core, but at the same time was no real shock, for she knew that one day the terrible thing would eventually come.


The goddess tried her very best to not to think about such a horrible thing, hoping  that the meadow would be able to ease her mind, even if it only delayed the hard exception she knew she had to soon accept.

Her clan, the Goddess clan, had always been enemies of the Demon clan. The goddess was told stories at a young age about a war that the two clans had once had. There was never a war so bloody, and both the Goddess clan and Demon clan suffered greatly from it.Though both the Fairy clan and the Giant clan fought, they never once thought of having an actual war with each other. For both clans knew that it wouldn't end well for either of them. But the Goddess clan and Demon clan didn't care. All they wanted was for the opposite clan to be destroyed. In result of the first war, a small treaty between the Goddess clan and the Demon clan was made to stop the war. But now a new war was about to begin.

An even bloodier war

Instead of fighting the Demon clan alone, the Goddess clan asked for help from the Fairy clan, Giant clan, and the Humans to help them finally get rid of the wretched Demon clan. The Fairy clan and the Giant clan accepted to aid the Goddess clan in the war, but the humans did not decide yet.

The goddess brought her knees up and buried her face in them. She wanted the terrible thing to leave her mind.

"Excuse me?"A voice called out.

The goddess's head shot up and she quickly turned her head to see who called out to her.

A small human child stood behind her. He had messy yellow hair that was as bright as the sun itself, and shining emerald eyes that the goddess seemed to get lost in.

A human child? The goddess thought. She remember that the meadow that she went to was in the human realm, so she shouldn't be to surprised to see a human there. But there was no villages near the meadow, something seemed off about this "human" boy.

"I'm sorry but, are you lost little boy?"The goddess stood up and stood in front of the small child.

"Sorry lady, but I'm not a little boy."He said blankly.

"Oh I'm sorry!"The goddess quickly apologized.

"It's fine. A lot of people mistaken me for a kid. So what's a goddess doing here? Don't you have goddess things to do?"

The goddess let out a small giggle."Not at the moment I don't. I always come to this meadow when I'm feeling upset or I need time to think to myself."

"Why are you upset?" The boy tilted his head.

"Well, I'm not sure you've heard but there is a war that's coming soon."The goddess replied with a sad tone.

"The Demon clan and the Goddess clan right?"

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