A New Nightmare Spreads

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The same nightmare.Always the same.Never changing.

The nightmare replays again.

The taste of the sour taste of blood in her mouth,and her skin aching as the harsh cold wind scratches her open wounds.A sea of tears rushing down her face and dripping to the ground.The trembling of her damaged body on the cold surface,and she could feel her eyes burning as if on fire but still forced shut.She could still feel the faint warmth on her right hand.

But this time it was fading.

She tried as hard as she could to keep it alive,but she couldn't gather enough strength to.This made her tears fall even faster now.

Why?Why?Why?Why?These words repeated in Elizabeth's head and she wished she could scream these words.

Pain and agony were piercing into her heart  as she could feel the warmth fading faster and faster away.Soon there would be nothing left and she would be alone.

Elizabeth begged and begged just for the strength to open her eyes to see what she was holding onto.She felt like she was about to fall into a sea of despair but kept fighting back to the surface.

She could feel her lungs burning from her trying to say anything from her mouth.She grinned her teeth and kept pushing.She wouldn't be able to hang on much longer.

Please!She begged.Just let me save him!Or at least see him one more time!Please!

She then felt her eyelids there were as heavy as stone a few moments ago,slowly open.It took her a moment to adjust to the light but she could finally see what had happen.

She was up high somewhere with  thunder and clouds surrounding the sky.The ground she was on looked as if it had been shattered and about to crumble beneath her.The surge of a god like power all around.What happened?

Finally her gaze managed to make out a outline of a small body in front of her.The body had wounds all over and blood was seeping out of them all.There was a small force of life there,but it was fading just as the warmth Elizabeth felt was.She slowly managed to see the features of the body.

The body was small,as if a child's body.They had messy,blonde hair and had a very fit body.Elizabeth couldn't make out the person's eyes or really any of their face because their blonde bangs hide it, but she knew who it was.Reality came crashing down on her.

No words could express the pain Elizabeth felt that went threw her whole body.She managed to let out small hiccups and a sea of tears rushed down her face as if they would never stop.She couldn't stop shaking.

Meliodas's hand was on Elizabeth's and she could feel his life force disappearing.And she knew couldn't do a single thing to save him.All she could do was tightened her grip on his and feel her body ache in pain and sadness.

Her vision was slowly getting blurry and her eyes began to close.She pleaded in her mind for them not to close but they didn't not obey.

Before her eyes shut for good she heard a powerful voice shake the ground and sky.The voice sounded so familiar.

They spoke."My dear daughter.As much as it pains me to do this,you must be punished for your sins.For a goddess taking the hand of one of the members of the demon clan and for saving the members of the 10 commandments,and for a demon taking the hand of one from the goddess clan and betraying his own kind.Meliodas shall be punished with eternal life,and every time he dies he shall be stripped of some of his emotions and will slowly turn back to the heir of the demon king.And as for you Elizabeth.....you shall be reborn every time you die and lose your memories of your past lives.But if you ever manage to regain your memories you will die in 3 days.You will also meet Meliodas in that life,fall in love,and you will die right in front of his eyes.No matter what he does to try to save you or run away from you,you two will fall in love and you will die right in front of him.The only way to break this curse is to get a power more greater or equal to the power of the Demon King or I,the Supreme Deity."

Elizabeth's vision faded after hearing her mother's words and her body went cold and numb.She then faded into a deep slumber forgetting the world around her.

Elizabeth's eyes shot open.She panted as she tried to adjust to the darkness.Her breathing slowed and a wave of calmness washed over her.But the nightmare pierced into her.She could still feel the tears on her face and the ache her body felt.Her mother words repeated over and over in her mind.Was that a nightmare or possibly a vision?Both scared Elizabeth and she closed her eyes trying to relax,pushing the nightmare to the back of her head.But her effort would be useless as it kept reappearing in front of her.She couldn't help but wrap herself in her sheets and cry.She suddenly felt a arm wrap around her.She uncovered her face from the sheets and saw a asleep Meliodas face next to hers.A wave of calmness washed over her and she smiled.Before she would think he was asleep but she knew he was awake and only pretending to be asleep.She decided to play with his bangs and tickle his nose with his hair.

"Hey I'm trying to sleep."He said sounding half asleep.Elizabeth let out a small giggle and kept tickling his nose."Hey I said stop."This time he said it very grouchy.She only ignored his words and continued."That's it."He said as he opened his eyes and began to tickle Elizabeth's side.

"Meliodas,that tickles stop!"She said in between giggles.The boy did not reply and only continued to tickle the goddess more.Elizabeth began to snort and she pushed the boy away a bit still laughing."Hey it's only fair since you tickled me Elizabeth"He began to pout.

Elizabeth covered her mouth and replied saying that he acted like such a child sometimes.Meliodas only rolled his eyes at the girl flipped into his back trying to go back to sleep.

"Hey Meliodas,what time is it?"The goddess asked sitting up."Time for you to go to bed."He said as he pulled Elizabeth back down and up to his chest.Elizabeth breathed in his scent and placed her face on his chest.She could feel his chest rise and fall and hear his hearts beat.

Meliodas began to slowly brush her hair and was now staring up at the ceiling."What were you dreaming about?"Elizabeth stayed silent for a bit,wondering what she said.Before she could speak Meliodas interrupted her."You had that nightmare again right?"A sad smile was on Elizabeth's face.She knew she couldn't hide it any longer."Yeah but this time it was different."

"How so?"He asked raising his eyebrow."Before all I saw was black and I could only feel my body hurting,with wounds that were bleeding and a powerful god like power.And...."She trailed off a bit at the end."A small warmth on my hand.She lightly traced were she had felt the warmth in the dream."So what made this dream different this time?"Meliodas tried to drift off into dream land again,still brushing Elizabeth's hair.He was surprise when he felt her tears on his chest.

"I managed to open my eyes this time.I was up somewhere high and the ground looked as if it was shattered.I could feel the warmth slowly fading so when I turned my head I saw you,Meliodas."Me?He thought."You were badly injured,and was on the edge of death.I tried to gather enough strength to heal you but I couldn't.You were dying with your hand in mine and I couldn't do anything to save you."Elizabeth was now sobbing on Meliodas chest.He hugged Elizabeth and brought her into a warm embrace."Elizabeth it's not your fault.It was just a dream.It wasn't real I promise."

As soon as he said this Elizabeth's mother's words shot into her head.She couldn't tell Meliodas what her mother said.It would only make him worry.Elizabeth's sobs turned into small cries and then only small sniffles could be heard once and a while.Elizabeth was soundly asleep on Meliodas's chest as he brushed her hair,worrying about his goddess.He felt guilty that Elizabeth got that upset over a dream because of him.He couldn't imagine what he would of felt or done if he saw what Elizabeth said.Just thinking about it made his blood boil and he gripped his fist in his other hand.He wouldn't let that happen to her.He will protect her with his life.Slowly sleep dragged Meliodas into a slumber and he lied there still embracing the goddess.

For the first time in months Elizabeth managed to escape her nightmare and had a peaceful dream.

But for how long can she run from her nightmare?

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