No Or More

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Beam's P.O.V 

Forth stop the car at the park. I don't understand why he choose this location but this park look really cool at night. We had walk in silent for a while. I want him to start because I don't know what happen but I felt it could be and hard feeling for him because he took some time to open about it. Then, Forth ask me to have a seat on the bench and seat besides me.

Forth: Beam, I didn't tell you about white because I'm worried it might hurts you but looking at the situation now I think its better for you to know.  White... is the first person I fall in love. When I'm in my high school, White join our class. She attracts most of the boys in the class. She looks much more cuter that time. Since, there is place beside me she seat beside me. Due to change in her father's job she had to join my school. She is very friendly towards me and we become close. She is very good at science and  I'm good at maths. She asked me to tutor her maths and in return she tutor me science. Since that even after school time we hangout together. We used spent most of our time together. I used to go to her house to study. As time moves, I started to like her and eventually fall in love with her. All my friends knows I like her and most of the girls just predicted we are couples because of our closeness. I'm just looking for right opportunity to express my love for her and the day comes. It was her birthday. I ask her for a date and she agrees to come with me. We spend the whole day together going around the town. Before I send her home, I propose to her and gave her a ring. She told me she likes me and being comfortable to be with me but also said she needs time to think about being in relationship. I'm happy as long she didn't reject me directly. I told her if she likes me, I asked her to wear the ring. However, the next day I only get text message from her saying she is going to States to continue her studies and she couldn't be in relationship with me. 

Beam: Forth...., Are you okay. I shouldn't ask you this.


Forth: At that time, I'm not okay. It's hurts me a lot. She left me without even saying bye but now I think it all happen for a good reason. If she would accept me, I won't be able to obtain a treasure. 


By saying that, forth comes close to me kiss my cheek. I'm feeling better now but something deep in my heart saying that problem will arise. I don't care about any problem as long Forth loves me. 

Forth: Beam, I know you might feel uncomfortable when white is there but just remember these word "you already have my heart. Nobody can owns it". 

Beam: Forth, I trust you. I wanted to know about white because I just don't want any secret between us. 

Forth: Yes... I understood that. By the way, why Suthee is trying to get your attention. 

Beam: Forth, How do I know. He just help me to get the dishes. 

Forth: No... It doesn't seem so. I'm sure he is trying to get special attention from you. 

Beam: Forth, don't get jealous. My special attention is only for you and only you. Okay. Lets go home. 

***** Next day At campus******

It's time for lunch. We are thinking about what to eat. Pha told us he wants to go science faculty. He is worried as more people including boys and girls trying to get in contact with Yo. So, he just want be with Yo for a while. Pha told Kit, Ming is there too. Kit told he doesn't want to come with us but Pha force him to follow us. So, I texted forth to be there to. Ming become the most trust able person for Pha now. He is the one to protect Yo when Pha is not around. Ming is good friend to Yo, even Pha didn't mention it, Ming for sure will protect Yo if  Yo in trouble.  The moment we reach science faculty, we sense it looks different now. We can find all student from different faculty hanging around there and their focus is Yo. Ohh, Shit. Pha is in big trouble now. He just went and grab Yo to his side. Yo is surprise with Pha presence in his faculty. We also followed Pha and took place in the table. Ming walk to cafe and bought food for Kit. I'm just waiting for Forth's arrival but forth appeared with food itself. He bought all my favorite food. 

Pha: Oh.. It's only me who haven't bought the food yet. Yo' want you want to eat. Come let's go get something. 

Ming served food with fusion of meat, vegetable and fruits. 

Kit: Ming' I told you I don't like veggies right. Why you still bought it. 

Ming: P' You are going to be doctor but you doesn't want to eat veggies. You should eat them and to be healthy. How if you get sick then.

Kit: Why, If I got sick you won't take care of me is it. 

Ming: I will take care of  you but now you eat this veggies. 

Beam: " hmmm... eerrrrm " AI' Kitty, I heard that. 

Kit: Shut up Beam, Focus at your husband. 

We all had our lunch and back to class. Suthee keep on texting me on the threat he wants and another side White texting Forth to go out with her. So, we planed something else. 

Love... Why it so hard (Forth ♡ Beam)Where stories live. Discover now