Time Moves.

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***The story took a leap of 5 years***

Character's introduction

Beam, Pha and Kit become famous celebrity doctors in the town. Three of them working in the same hospital. Forth and Yo back to New York and gaining experience in their family own company. Ming becomes the Ceo of his father's business. All these 3 pairs separated because of their job placement. However, their relationship is still strong. 

Beam P.O.V

I miss Forth's presence so much but everyone has to grow up. I still remember the moment when Forth and N'Yo said they wanted to go, New York. I couldn't allow him to go far from me. I try my best to make him be with me at least be somewhere around Thailand but Forth just assure everything will be for our best. I understand that future is more important but N'Yo really take so much time to convince Pha. Pha just never lets Yo go New York. They had so much quarrel regarding this and finally, Pha let Yo go. I know I will miss Forth badly but I'm prepared for it when we all go to send them off but Pha is really isn't prepared at all. That's the first time we all saw tears appear in Pha's eyes. He is strongest among three of us but when come N'Yo he becomes weak. Forth just want to see my smiling face when he leaves. If tears appear in my eyes he will cancel his trip. I forced my self to smile it's not purely from my heart but I have to. Kit's case was quite different, Ming doesn't want leave Kit's side but he was forced to take over his father's business as his father falls sick but at-least every month once Ming showed to meet Kit. Kit doesn't really show his feeling to Ming but he really misses Ming. Only Me and Pha knows that. We really miss our partners. Our life becomes lifeless without them. Not entertainment nor fun. Only work, work, work. Maybe due to that we able to be famous in short period of time. 

Nurse: Dr.Beam, Patient 57 facing breathing problem. 

Beam: Oh, she is pregnant right. Do inform Dr Pha and Dr Kit. I will be there know

Nurse: Okay Dr. 

My routine starts back. 

Forth P.O.V

I never even dream that my days will be without Beam but to make Beam forever with me I have to do this. Not only me suffering these Yo also has to. Both of us become responsible to take over our family business. So, we had to go through series of training. No matter how difficult it was Beam's smiling face is enough for me to go through it. Yo just keep watching Pha picture during his break time. I understand his situation well. Like me after being in a relationship it first time we got separated and we have to travel quite far to accomplish our task. The only thing that makes our life live is the communication we made through social media. Although being my junior, Ming has to take such big responsibility at a young age. His situation makes him face it and he is performing at his best. Ming used to visit us as our company make a partnership with Ming's company. This partnership was made by our elders. The same thing is going through by him. All of us just miss our partners like hell. From their voice, we know how much they miss us. However, these hard time is coming to end. In two-week time mine and Yo's training comes to end. Ming also with us right now. So all three of us plan to make a surprise visit to meet those celebrity doctors. 

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