Chapter 5: Meet & Greet; Familiarize

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Serayah's P.O.V.

   We're now stepping off the plane and I'm SO nervous, but also excited to finally be here in Chicago! I can't believe I'm going to be playing Tiana Brown on Empire! Anyways, it's 7:00 pm and I just walked into a hotel. Boy. When I tell you that it was the most luxurious and beautiful hotel I'd ever seen, it was THE MOST beautiful and luxurious hotel, which my eyes had ever layed on! I turned to my side to see Lisa standing right there, opened mouth also. She stared in utter shock and so did I. I didn't know what to do or say, so I just stood there. That was until, the bodyguard in all black, told us to follow him.

    As soon as we walked through the elevator, I became filled with anxiety and anticipation. This is my very first time being in an hotel. Let alone, a rich, spotless, organized, and beautiful one at that. When the elevator doors opened, I immediately wanted to run to our room, but decided not to. Instead, I kept my calm posture, since it was better that way and followed them to these big gold doors.

   I instantly got the feeling, that this room was going to be nothing, but paradise. It turns out, my feeling was right, because as soon as he opened the door, I saw a room, which was painted black and gold. It was really spacious and huge. I fell in love instantly and dropped everything quick, before running around the hotel. I checked out every aspect of the hotel and immediately thanked the bodyguards. They only bowed and walked towards the doors, but before leaving completely, the one from earlier whom was at my door, informed me how long I or we was going to be staying here and told me the address of the Empire building.
   "Okay. I don't know about you, but I'm in LOVE with this fucking hotel!" My overly excited best friend Lisa said, as she began to lay down on her big king size blue bed. It looked really comfortable and made me tired, so I layed down beside her.
   "Oh. Trust me. I am!" I agreed, while standing up and walking to the door.
   "Where you going?" She asked, as she started to make a bed angel with her arms, while giggling and smiling.
   "I have to go unpack, so I can get to my rehearsals and you better do the same, because if you don't, you won't be able to meet your dream man." I teased her, while peaking in her room.

   Afterwards, I turned around on my way to my room, but before I can even close the door, she hurriedly jumped up and began to frantically take out her clothes. I laughed to myself and opened the door. I took a good look at my room, which was black and gold. Her room was painted yellow and blue. Anyways, I started to grab my suitcases and luggages to begin unpacking.

*1 Hour & 35 Minutes Later*

   Woo! I'm finally done unpacking and organizing my clothes with my other stuff. Just as I hopped onto the bed, my door opened and revealed a sleepy zombie looking Lisa.
   "Wow. Why aren't you asleep yet?" I asked, while turning on the tv. Then finally turned towards her and started looking her up and down. She walks over to my bed and sits on it.
   "I'm not tired." She simply stated, while yawning. Okay, is she delusional? Obviously, she is. Without another word, I look over at my clock and it read: 8:40 pm. After seeing that, I picked her up and carried her over my shoulder.
   "Ray! What the hell! Put me down! I told you I wasn't tired!" She defended or at least tried to, while yawning.

   "Damnnit." She mumbled to herself, while I gently placed her down on her bed and tucked her in.
   "Really? How's that working for you?" I asked, as a sarcastic remark, while her eyes rolled and finally closed. I gave a smile and walked to the door, but not before turning around to her.
   "That's what I thought." I mumbled to myself, while finally closing the door. Lord have mercy, that girl's definitely going to cause me to get admitted into a hospital. God her weight! I turn down the hallway, in order to enter my room. I walked in and immediately turned off my tv, then layed down. After a while of thinking about what's going to happen tomorrow, my eyes began to slowly get heavy and I began to fall asleep.

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