Chapter 13: Just What I Needed

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Serayah's P.O.V.

   As soon as I stepped foot into the hotel, I ran inside of my bedroom and slid down against the door before crying into my hands. I continued crying before hearing a knock on my door. Knowing that it was no one else except Lisa, I moved away from the door and layed down in my bed before saying a quick, 'come in'.
   "Ray! What the hell was that? Why you didn't tell me there was something going-" She trailed on before I started sobbing. I then felt her sit next to me and start rubbing my back in soothing circles, while softly combing my hair with her fingers.
   "Aww, Ray. Ray Ray, what's wrong?" I softly smiled hearing her use the name she only uses, when she has to treat me like a baby or calm me down. Though this time, it didn't work, as I started screaming and thrashing around before letting out a frustrated sigh.
   "It's nothing Li." All of a sudden, she stopped her movements leaving me to whine slightly, as I was beginning to feel relaxed. She then stood up from the bed and crossed her arms over her chest.
   "Ray. I've been patient, but I can't control it anymore. Tell me what is wrong with you. Now." Her tone was strict and serious, which caught me off guard as she was usually a sunshine fluffy ball. One that can make you laugh and have fun against your will. That's the Lisa I knew, while the one in front of me now, is one who I never seen in my life before. As I hesitated, she tapped her foot impatiently before pinching the bridge of her nose.
   "Well? What is it?!" She yelled while I looked taken aback. She's never yelled at me before, at least not in this way. Not wanting to upset her even more, I sat up and sat and front of her before parting my lips.
   "I think I might have feelings for Bryshere and I-" Suddenly she jumped on me and pinned me against the bed before smiling widely.
   "YOU THINK?! GIRL! YOU ARE SMITTEN! I KNEW SOMETHING WAS GOING TO HAPPEN-" And just like that, another set of tears came down my face. She looked taken aback before getting off of me and sitting next to me instead.
   "NO! THAT'S THE THING I DON'T WANT TO BE "SMITTEN"! I DON'T WANT TO LIKE HIM! IT'S KILLING ME SEEING HIM WITH SOMEONE ELSE LISA! PLEASE! MAKE IT GO AWAY! PLEASE MAKE IT ALL GO AWAY! PLEASE MAKE THE PAIN GO AWAY!" I shouted desperately, while crying feeling more hot tears come down my face. I couldn't do it. I couldn't hold them back. Not anymore. As I started crying into my hands, I feel my best friend wrap her arms around me as she started whispering sweet nothings.
   "Aww, Ray. I'm so so so so so so sorry. My baby-I didn't mean for you-I just wanted to know, because we're best friends-like sisters and I felt deeply hurt when I had a feeling you were keeping a secret from me. I'm sorry. I'm hear for you, always. You know what? We should take a trip. You can use it as a vacation and besides, you're halfway done with the first season of empire anyway, right? In fact, didn't you say that you guys were taking a hiatus due to some of the cast experiencing some troubles?" I felt like such a baby. Softly gigging to myself, I noticed something lighting her eyes while she smiled.

   Wait. Did she just suggested a vacation? I mean it was true. We weren't going to be filming for a while, which is perfect since I literally don't have to see or speak to Yazz right now. I couldn't pass up a opportunity like this and so, with a big smile on my face, I nod my head like a 5 year old who looks like they saw so many amounts of candy. She laughed before lightly pushing me off her and standing up once again.
   "Ok! So, first of all perfect! Second of all, have your stuff packed by tomorrow at 4 pm, as we'll be leaving around 4:30, ok?" I nod my head before slipping under the covers and getting ready to put my phone on the charger.
   "Goodnight, Ray." She says before giving me a smile. I give her one back before turning over to turn off the lamp, just as she closed the door and finally closing my eyes to let sleep take over as I was feeling seriously tired from everything especially crying.

*The Next Day*
   "Ray! Wake up!" I groaned and covered my ears with my pillow, until I felt a harsh smack on my lower body as I was sleeping on my stomach.
   "Are you serious right n-" Before I could continue, I was dragged out of my comfortable bed and pushed towards the bathroom door.
   "It's exactly 2:30 in the afternoon! It's time to wake up and brush those teeth of yours and get ready for our vacation! When you're done, come find me in the kitchen!" She finished before closing the door. Aw crap! I forgot all about that. I must've been sleeping really good to forget the planned trip by my best friend. Not wanting to waste anymore time, I quickly get myself ready before getting everything prepared.

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