❝I can't do this anymore!❞ I sobbed looking into his light caramel eyes.
❝I know.❞ He hushed. ❝You won't have to,everything will get better,I promise.❞
My sobbing quieten and my eyes met his once again.
❝How do you know?❞ I questioned still gazing i...
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I take a seat in the back of the room filled with other people who had detention.
Where the hell was Liam don't tell me the he ditches me. Just great.
I take out my Geo book and I start doing my homework and someone sits next to me.
❝Here you go.❞ Liam says and puts a book on my table over my homework.
❝What's this?❞ I question amd he smiles.
❝Your math homework silly I thought I'd do it for you since you don't have time to do it home.❞ He says and I smile.
❝Okay delinquents detention starts now so shut up and so something productive.❞ Mr. Vasquez says.
Since it was after school hours he could talk to us however he wanted and he would always talk like that because he liked giving detentions but he hated sitting through it.
I eventually get bored of doing homework and I take out my sketch pad.
Hmm what should I draw oh I know a dragon.
I start to draw a fierce dragon with scales and fire around it.
To other people it looked like something stupid to waste my talent on but for me it felt like a stress reliever.
Not that I was stressed at the moment but when I drew something would show in that showed what I was going through and normally it was in the shading in the background.
It was like my mind secretively asking for help but no one ever no-
❝Why is there a bed in the shading.❞ Liam softly says.
He saw it he saw it before I even did.
❝Oh ah the desk is lumpy so it did that while I was shading.❞ I say so he'd leave it alone but he clearly wasn't.
He picked up my sketch book and started looking threw it and after every page worry grew on his face.
❝Mia......is everything ok?❞ he asks me and I nod my head I didn't want to tell him he had football players as friends and he'd tell them and I'd be called names like I'm a hoe but I'm not I'm being forced to.
As he goes through my book more I take it back knowing he would figure it out.
❝Mia have you gone a psychologist before I think you may need one I have one I could prescribe for you cause I used to go once every-❞ ❝Mister france shut the hell up this is detention.❞ Mr. Vasquez says and Liam shuts up.
After a couple minutes he slides a paper to me and I read it.
I'll talk to your mom about it it says and I write no my step dads there my mom's at work.
I pass it back to him.
❝I'll talk to him then.❞ He says and I bite my lip.
After detention
I pack my bag and I leave detention with Liam on my tail.
❝Come on I'm dropping you home.❞ Liam says and I continue walking.
❝Ummmm my cars not this way.❞ he says and I continue walking.
❝Fine you leave me no choice.❞ He says and picks up and slings me over his shoulder.
❝Stop put me down put me down!❞ I scream while punching his back.
❝Wow you're really strong.❞ He says as we reach his car and he puts me down.
❝Oh come on we're here already.❞ He says and I get into the car.
As he gets into the car he turns on the radio and Symphony starts playing.
❝I just wanna be part of your Symphony.❞ I sing hitting the high note and he smiles and starts driving to my house.
Three songs later
❝We're here.❞ He says and I stop singing closer and I get out the car with my bag and I quickly go to the door.
❝Hey wait up.❞ he says and he comes to the door with me and I bite my lip.
❝Get in bit- oh ummmm hi I'm Chris Mia's dad.❞ Chris says as he realizes Liam there.
❝You're not my dad....and this is Liam.... One of my friends.❞ I say and Chris watches me deep in my eyes.
I was in so much trouble.
❝Ummmm hi I just this sounds stupid but ummmm I think Mia may need a psychologist ummmm so I could give you a person for her.❞ Liam says shyly.
It seemed like he was afraid of him I didn't blame him.
❝Mom!❞ I say as I see my mom walking down the street.
Liam looks to see my mom and he smiles at her.
❝Good afternoon Mrs. McGill.❞ he says smiling.
❝Good afternoon Liam what's wrong.❞ she asks him with a worried face.