❝I can't do this anymore!❞ I sobbed looking into his light caramel eyes.
❝I know.❞ He hushed. ❝You won't have to,everything will get better,I promise.❞
My sobbing quieten and my eyes met his once again.
❝How do you know?❞ I questioned still gazing i...
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❝Pumpkin....its time to wake up.❞ I hear an oddly familiar voice say and when I say oddly I mean ODDLY. I hadnt heard that voice for years...but it sounded strained like it missed something....like it had been unhappy and depressed.
I slightly open my eyes to see an oddly familiar face looking at me....but this face looked old.
I closed back my eyes guessing that it was a dream or something. But then again...how could you close your eyes in a dream.
Well that doesnt even matter my mind was just playing games with me cause it looked like a sad older version of my dad.
I opened my eye again to see him smiling at me, ❝DADDD!!❞ I scream and jump into his open arms as he engulps me in a hug.
I tried my hardest not to cry but I couldnt help it I mean it was an emotional experience I mean I was seeing my DAD again.
❝You dont need to cry baby girl.❞ He says and I look up at him and he smiles and wipes away my tears.
❝You've gotten so big....i'm sorry I missed out on you...I-I promise I wont leave again.❞ He says and I smile but then I frown.
❝Dad....don't make promises you cant keep.❞ I say softly and he looks at me with sadness in his eyes, ❝I-I"m so-❞
❝No don't be....you're right.❞ He says and fakes a smile,❝ Now go get ready for school okay and wear something nice..I'll take you and Linzy out for ice cream later.❞ He says and I nod my head.
❝And Liam.❞ I say and he slowly nods his head questioning himself if Liam was my boyfriend.
❝He's a friend.❞ I say and he nods his head.
❝Okay just go get ready.❞ He says letting go of me and leaving my room.
This is the first time im actually willing to get up without a fuss and its the first time my dads been here in YEARS.
I run up to closet and I go through it to see what i could wear but there really wasnt anything except for a yellow summer dress so I was pretty much subjected to wearing it so i got ready for school and headed downstairs to see my dad waiting in the living room with Chris staring at him.
Oh Boy this was gonna be drama.
❝You ready let's go.❞ My dad says standing from his seat and leaving the house with me trailing behind him to his Toyota.
❝Come on hop in.❞ He says holding the door open for me as I get into the car.
❝Bye pumpkin. I'll see you later okay.❞ He says kissing my forehead.
❝Bye dad.❞ I smile as I walk off into the school yard.