❝I can't do this anymore!❞ I sobbed looking into his light caramel eyes.
❝I know.❞ He hushed. ❝You won't have to,everything will get better,I promise.❞
My sobbing quieten and my eyes met his once again.
❝How do you know?❞ I questioned still gazing i...
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I got up from the table and headed upstairs into my room. I messaged Liam and Linzy in our group chat and they said they were down for it so I got into the shower.
For once I had a peaceful shower without being afraid of Chris barging in demanding sex in the shower.
As i came out the shower with my brown hair smelling of strawberry I went into the closet to find a couple of clothes in there for me.
None of them were really my style,which was why we were going shopping, so I decided to just wear a jeans and a simple blue tee-shirt.
❝You ready.❞ I shout while walking down the stairs to see Sean picking up the keys.
❝Yeah lets go.❞ He says and we leave to the mall.
❝Okay they should be here soon.❞ I tell Sean so we start looking around while waiting.
❝So do you have a boyfriend.❞ Sean asks me out of curiousity.
It was a rather weird question for him to ask me since if I did I probably would have said something when he told me about his boyfriend.
❝No....but there is a guy I like..but hes taken.❞ I say and he nods his head.
As hes about to reply I see Linzy and Liam and I run up to them engulping them both in one ginormous hug.
❝Liam, Linzy this is Sean.❞ I say smiling and Sean smiles at them.
❝So is this the secret you guys have been hiding from me.❞Liam says sadly as thought hes genuinely hurt.
❝No what are you talking about he's my cousin.❞ I say and Liam's face changes.
❝Oh shit..I'm sorry." He says nervously and Sean nods his head.
❝Well umm lets go look around.❞ I say and we start looking around.
❝Mia, this will look really nice on you.❞ Linzy says pulling me into a store leaving behind Liam and Sean.
❝Yeah youre right I'll try it on.❞I say and I look at Liam and Sean talking.
What were they talking about I hope it wasnt about my secret.
I walk into the dressing room and I try on the short blue dress and I look into the mirror.
I looked beautiful. I looked beautiful and happy.
I came out of the dressing room to see Liam in awe watching me.
❝Y-You look beautiful.❞He says shyly and I smile but quickly retract it when I remember that Linzy likes him.
It was becoming harder and harder for me to not fall in love with him but I had to because Linzy was my friend.
❝Yeah you look really nice.❞Linzy says faking a smile.
She definitely saw what happened.
❝Okay Ill get this along with some other stuff.❞ I say and I go back into the dressing room and change back into my clothes.
As I come out of the dressing room I see Liam and Sean talking again but I decided to let it be.
I pick up a bunch of different clothes with the help of Linzy and Sean buys them for me and we leave the store.