❝I can't do this anymore!❞ I sobbed looking into his light caramel eyes.
❝I know.❞ He hushed. ❝You won't have to,everything will get better,I promise.❞
My sobbing quieten and my eyes met his once again.
❝How do you know?❞ I questioned still gazing i...
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❝Bye sweetie....Ill call you in the morning okay.❞ My dad says kissing my forehead and I nod as i walk into my home to see Chris jerking off on the couch.
I froze there like a fool contemplating if I should run after my dads car but sadly it was already too late.
❝Mia! There you are come give ur old fella a little help here and then wed both have some fun.❞ He says smiling sensually at me.
❝No!❞ I say bravely walking off and I hear footsteps behind me and I know immediately to run.
I run to my room with Chris hot on my trail as I slam my bedroom door in his face and lock it.
I probably should have ran out the house then he wouldnt be able to follow me until he gets some clothes on and id get a head start....maybe I could still go through my win-'BANG BANG BANG'
Shit hes gonna break down the door.
❝Im sorry Chris please forgive me.❞ I say as i slowly open my window to avoid it from creaking.
I start climbing out of the window as he breaks down the door and I scramble to pull myself up.
He grabs onto my leg and pulls me from the window causing me to scrap my arms across the ledge.
❝You've been misbehaving alot these days havent you.❞ He says as I drop to the ground and he lets go of my leg and yanks me by my hair, out of my room and into the living room.
He throws me onto the couch and he lowers his self for me and tries to place his member into my mouth.
I shut my mouth thight as i moved my head around so he couldnt get a hold of it.
I was tired of this going on i needed to stop it I couldnt handle it anymore.
I couldnt take the pain that he gave me anymore.
And hiding the bruises that he gave me.
And pretending that I was an innocent Virgin.
He took away everything from me, My life, My trust, My virginity and most importantly My dad.
❝Shit I got to take this.❞ Chris says standing up away from me,❝Move and its gonna be worst.❞ He says and I gulp.
❝Hello....Yes shes right here.❞ He says on the phone then he hangs up. ❝Your dad is-❞
I dont wait for him to finish his sentence and I run outside to see my dad in front of his car and I engulp him in a hug as I cry on his shoulder.
❝Sweetie whats wrong.❞ He says hugging back.
I wanted to tell him. I planned to tell him. I was going to tell him but then Chris walks out in a PJ pants and a shirt and I become silent.
❝I came to drop off your purse. You forgot it in the car.❞He says handing it to me but I keep hugging him.
❝Sweetie is everything okay.❞ He says raising my chin to see my crying eyes.
❝Everything is fine with her.❞ Chris says walking up to his and pulling me away from him.
❝Wheres Melissa?❞ My dad asks Chris angrily.
❝At work to get money for Mia you know the money you were supposed to pay.❞Chris says and my dads face boils with anger.
❝Well since shes at work ill keep my daughter somewhere safe for the while.❞ He says taking me out of Chris' hands and he sees the blood on my arms.
❝Mia whats this?❞ He asks me and I look over my shoulder to see Chris looking at me to see my answer and I shake my head no.
❝Come on lets go.❞ My dad says opening the car door for me and closing it once im in and he gets in on the driver side.
❝Sweetie...is everything alright.❞ He asks me.
❝Yes...we just had a little fight.❞ I say and he nods his head but I knew he could tell it was more than just that.
I was going to tell him. Believe me I was but I couldnt Chris is already expecting me to. I have to do it a time when i know he wouldnt know.
❝We're going to my house okay.❞ He says and I nod my head as I look outside the window in front a red light as I see a teenager and her dad smiling and laughing walking down the street eating ice cream.
I look up to the sky to see the north star and I wish. I wish that I could have a normal life again like when it was just Mom Dad and I.