❝I can't do this anymore!❞ I sobbed looking into his light caramel eyes.
❝I know.❞ He hushed. ❝You won't have to,everything will get better,I promise.❞
My sobbing quieten and my eyes met his once again.
❝How do you know?❞ I questioned still gazing i...
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❝Mia you need to wake up we're here. ❞ My dad softly says in my ear as though he doesn't even want to wake me up.
I open my eyes and rub them to see my dad in front the open car door stretching out his hand to help me out.
I hold onto his hand and he pulls me out of the car and I look at his house in awe.
It definitely was not what I expected.
I had always thought that he was having money problems since Chris always complained to mom about him not bring money.
But now I could clearly see he wasn't.
❝I've been building this place since I left. It's going to be yours when I'm gone.❞ He says and I look at him and smile.
Even in the time he was gone. He was still thinking of me AND my future.
❝Inside we go. ❞ he says and leads me into the two story house.
❝Uncle David are you making dinner or m-" I turn my head to the sound of the male voice and I immediately knew who it was.
❝Shawn!" I shout happily as I run into his open arms and he engulfs me in a hug.
❝I haven't seen you since you were like six. How old are you even now.? Seventeen... Eighteen. ❞ ❝Seventeen. Three years younger than you remember. ❞
He nods his head and smiles letting go of me and I put my arms behind my back remembering the marks on my skin.
❝I'll make dinner so why don't you show Mia around since she'll be staying here for awhile. ❞ My dad says and I nod and stop mid way.
❝What do you mean awhile I can't just not go back home. Mom's going to be worried sick and once she finds out I'm here she'll call the police for you. Dad I don't want to loose you again. ❞ I say almost in tears.
❝You're not going to loose me again. Plus if your mom calls the police I could always show them your marks and get Chris away from you. If you want me to of course. ❞ He says and I nod my head low.
I wanted Chris to be out of my life but I know there would be consequences for me before he goes to jail and even after.
And I know he has friends that watch me inappropriately already and only God alone knows what he'll tell them to do with me.
❝Anyways I'll make dinner while Shawn shows you around.❞ He says and Shawn nods his head and takes my purse from me.
❝Come on there's a lot to see. ❞ Shawn says pulling my arm and I whine in pain.
❝What's wrong?❞ He says to me and he looks down at my arm to now see dry blood over my markings.
❝How did that happen. ❞ He asks me looking at it and twisting my arm to see it better.
❝I rather not explain. ❞ I say and he slowly nods his head.
❝Well then let's just clean it okay. ❞ He says and I nod my head.
He walks me upstairs and into the bathroom and he takes a medical box out of the cabinet.
❝Sit. ❞ He tells me and I sit on the closed toilet cover.
He motions for me to give him my arm and I do so and he attends to its needs.
❝Did someone dig you? ❞ He asks me as he looks at the deep puncture wounds.
❝Ye-❞ ❝Was it that Chris guy?❞ He says angrily cutting me off.
Even though he hadn't seen me in years he was still protective of me which made me feel special.
But of course I couldn't tell him.
❝I don't want to talk about it. ❞ I say and he nods his head.
❝Okay well then let's get moving. ❞ He says and he gives me a tour of the entire house our last stop being the kitchen.
❝Dinner will be done in a minute. You two could set the table by the time. ❞ My dad says and Liam and I race to set the table just like old times.