Mary Anne

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Confuse that's what I am.

After that night I couldn't get hold of Mr. Death. He resists my call and I saw the happy face of my guardian angel.

He said that it was for our own good and that we should move on and start going to church again.

"Mary Anne " I heard someone call my name

I look over and saw the pastor of the church.


"Hey pastor Jeff what is it "

I was on the street I had just done my shopping list for the weeks.

My payment was getting better and better, I finish my apartment interior design paid my bills and even made some new friends. Melanie and I haven't talked since a long time.

I haven't talked to anyone who wasn't new in my life, no church or anything just some new friends my ages.

"Hum I would like to talk to you, I know a coffee on the corner is it okay if we talk there, " he asks

Pastor Jeff was a kind man on his 49, he had a white bear and was pale men with a big height, he was big but healthy.

"Hum I don't know I mean I don't really have time -"

"I won't take much if your time "

I could see that if I didn't answer him he would keep bugging me again.

So I nodded my head and walk with him toward the small Coffe shop.

We sat at the back close to a Window.

"So how have you been ? " he asks me

"Perfect " I answer " everything is just perfect "

Well I was kind of depressing, and I barely even look at my Bible, my angel became weaker and I heard no word from God.

I was losing my faith.

"I came here because God guide me here, your life is coming to its end "

My eyes widen at this.

"Wait, what? " I ask him

This isn't from God, it's a trick from the devil . My angel and Jesus would have told me, the holy spirit would have warned me.

"Your lying ", I accused

He shakes his head sadly and looks down at his folded hand, his gray eyes hold sadness in them.

" I have three confirmation, the first was a dream, the angel of death is after you he announces, "he told me

" A-Angel of D-Death ?"Why would Mr death want to kill me?

"In my dream, I saw him trying to kill you, he chases you around seduce you and killed you "


He knew nothing about him, his attitude, he wasn't evil he was good.

"I know the connection he made you think you guys had, but Mary Anne he is a demon and he has to act on what he is "

I stood up and tears threatening to pour out of my eyes.

"Mary Anne, your purpose on this earth will almost be accomplished, come back to church so you don't lose the battle "

"Good bye pastor Jeff "I whisper

I took my bag and left the small coffee shop. I was never going back to that place.

who fed me lie to hate Mr. Death.

Angel of Death (editing)Where stories live. Discover now