February- Part 3

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"This weekend," he said, breathing heavily in my ear. I gripped his shoulders tight, bracing myself against him, struggling to control my own breath. I nodded, leaning back, palm to my forehed. He placed his hand on my stomach and hovered over me. I could feel the sweet air of his breath in and out, each one calming him down after our almost-sex encounter.

"This has to be it, Draco," I tell him, really meaning it. He stops breathing, flicking his eyes away. "Has to." I repeat, placing my hand over is.

"I love you, Nat," he says, kissing my temple. I bite my lip, trying to force myself to say what I know I have to.

"That's why this has to end." It's my turn to look away.

We're laying underneath a canopy of stars in the cool air and all that's left of Draco and me is bittersweet. I hate the taste that leaves in my mouth and I want to be done with it.

"I'm going to date someone else," I tell him, still looking away. I know him so well that I know his reaction was to drop his head and sigh.

"I can't tell you that isn't your right, love." I nod and he takes his hand off of my stomach.

I shiver at the loss of his touch.


Author's Note:

I'm sorry it's super short but the next one is going to be really long! I just needed a filler piece!

Also shoutout to  xxxMariri555  for making the AWESOME banner she did on January- Part 2. Go ahead, GO BACK AND LOOK<3

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