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Everyone feels pain and everyone handles it differently. Physical pain, you can't hide. You wince, you flinch, you limp and people notice. People can help. Emotional pain is different. It can't be seen, therefore it's worse.

You can lock your sadness behind a smile and pretend that you are okay. Someone might start to get a little suspicious and ask the question you are terrified they will ask;

"Are you Okay?"

Any other question could be handled, but not that one. Everything rushes to your mind. Every heart ache, every frustration brought right to the front, cracking your iron smile. Tearing down every wall you have built to protect yourself.

You're terrified that if anyone even catches a glimpse at the demons residing in your mind that they will judge and outcast you.

But every one has demons. Everyone has fears and feelings. You're not alone and no one will judge you, they care about you. and yet you answer with.

"Yeah. I'm just Tired."

Four words that are as simple as words can be and yet, they bare more weight than one million other words.

The idea behind this work, is to show that we are all connected by the one thing we have in common. We are all human.

It is not wrong to feel and it is horrible that people are beginning to think that way. Emotions demand to be felt! The more they are buried and masked over, the worse they can become and soon they will erupt and destroy anything that stands in their way.

The idea for this came to me after a good friend of mine went through an unspeakable tragedy. 

It occurred to me that maybe emotions are hidden because we feel like no one else could possibly feel the same way. That we are alone. But we aren't and that is what I am aiming for.

I set up an email for anyone who wants to contribute anything.

Anything that allows you to free the trapped emotions inside. Maybe sharing them here, where you are completely and utterly anonymous will help not only you as the writer, but someone as the reader who may feel to alone.

There is no judgement here. Any hateful comments will be deleted.

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