The Alpine Connection

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Submitted for the Changing Seasons contest by (Round 3) by ChallengeCorner

Prompt: a <1,000-word forbidden romance set "once upon a mountain...", using only dialogue. 998 words.

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"Hey, Mister! Yes, you... with the briefcase..."

"Well, if it isn't the spirited young lady from the dining car!"

"And the bean counter who brings his attache case to a ski resort."

"Contrary to appearances, I'm here on official business."

"Let me stop you right there, buster. I don't want to hear another word about office work right now."

"That's all very well, Miss, but why are you lingering outside my quarters?"

"This is my room, silly! Look!"

"Hmmm... Most queer. It appears we've been assigned the same lodgings."

"Well, it seems like the hotel's fully booked. So I hope you don't mind sharing."

"I suppose there would be little alternative, given the circumstance, Miss... Meyer, isn't it?"

"Please, call me Tess."

* * *

"Gee! You sure brought a lot of things for a business trip."

"Pay no mind to my equipment, Tess. I need it to survey the property. The canton hired me to make sure the resort declared the correct taxable land area."

* yawn *

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it! They're not terribly fascinating but they're indispensable for my work. Suffice it to say that I will keep my tools out of your personal space. "

"Oh, no worries at all, Hank. There's enough room for both of us here."

"Hmmm... Didn't you say you work as a switchboard operator? These accommodations seem rather plush for someone at your pay grade, if you don't mind me saying."

"It's quite fortunate, actually. I won an all-expense trip from Grace magazine."

"How curious! Rotten luck to end up stuck with me then."

"Don't be ridiculous. You've been fine company so far. It almost feels like this was meant to happen."

"Now you're the one being ridiculous. There's no such thing as fate or kismet. This was probably the result of some clerk's mistake."

"Whatever the case, it's been a pleasure."

"Well, we didn't come all this way just for banter."

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