chapter 11

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Jake and Mikey had called me in the middle of the night, saying that they have booked their flight for California.We've been planning this forever. Just thought they would have told me before even doing dumb shit like that. The first thing Mike had said when i answered the phone was, if i was on board with them. i needed time to think. This was all happening too fast. We won't have a place to stay and nothing is set, well that's what i thought. Since, the last time Mike went to Cali he had stayed in contact with Charlie and now we are going to stay in the 1600. Which is fine but there is no shot that im living with those twos. Or three. Since Gavin is going.

It was early in the morning and I couldn't go back to sleep, so i called up Jake, and asked if he wanted to go out and flim or something. Just to waste some time.

Kristen happened to be up also so Jake just met up with me there.

I was just thinking about everything. If i move out to Cali what would my life be like. I would be leaving my family and friends. That's something I can't just drop. Stella is still really young and barely a junior is high school. Still learning the ropes. And the way everyone at her school is growing up... I don't want to leave her. But if i go there's no shot of me coming back.

Once, Jake showed up we called up Phil and Ademir to see if they were up to do something. Lucky for us, they were.

Kristen had fallen asleep before they came so we just left. Jake was talking to me more about leaving Jeresy. Everything about this moving across the country was debatable. If it's just them two maybe it'll be better. But Jake said that it wouldn't be the same without me. We've been with eachother since senior year and I don't think im ready to be that far away from them.

They are planning on leaving for about three months. "Testing the waters." That's one too many for me. Especially after what happened. If they leave, im just going to feel alone again. Kat and Layla are usually around but not as much anymore. Ademir and I are still working things out and my sister had just gone back to school. So lately I've been lonely. "Ell, don't stress. You still have time to think." Jake had pulled me out of my thoughts. I just gave him a smile.

Phil pulled up to Jake's house and i just gave them a confused look.

"The duffie's want to see this." He waved the board at me and i shook my head.

A cold breeze had hit my skin and I shived. His house has always scared me.

He placed the board on the coffe table and sighed, pulled out his camera and started his intro for his video. I just stood on the otherside off the camera, trying to stay out of the sight of it. "We also got Ell here." He pointed the camera towards me and I covered my face. "STOP!" I told him and he just began to start laughing. "For clickbait, kiss Ademir real quick." He had waved the camera back and forth at the both of us. I shook my head then agreed to it. Why not? It's not's something I haven't done before.

I had placed my hand against his cheek and leaned in for the kiss. He placed his hand on my lower back and pulling me close, securiting his grip on me.

It had only lasted a few seconds, but Jake had hyped it up. As usual. "I love you." Ademir had whispered. My cheeks had turned red and I froze. I was looked up at him, trying to find words to say, "I love you too." It had just slipped out. In that moment, i wasn't sure if that was what i wanted to say. But it felt weird. Just never thought he felt that way.

We went on with the game and I stood by Phil and watched it go down through the camera.

As usual, i am the only one who hears the creepiest shit, but this time it was all of us. A chair was knocked down and my heart started to race. Phil, had pushed me aside and recorded the chair for a moment. The spirit had told Jake to stay. We all were freaking out about this. Jake has been living here since he was a child and from what his step dad had told us in the past, him and his brother and sister had made the ghost happy. Never really believed it, until tonight. It was creepy. Knowing that it wants Jake to stay and not leave, sketches me out.

"Just follow it." I told Ademir as the piece began to point at him after it has spelled out kill.

The piece pointed at Ademir. Jake asked if he wanted him to get killed and before they could finish the question, the chair was pushed in the living room. We all had yelled say goodbye, without packing up the board, Jake put the chair back and grabbed the camera from Phil. As we were about to head out. the upstairs hall way light had turned on. "Should we be savage?" Jake had repeated a few times. "The spirit wants to kill me!" Ademir had stated. Again, we began to leave but the back door had closed on us.

Since they two dumbass's wanted to stay and investage if the door was locked or not, Phil and I quickly thought and went to the front door. Soon the other two were behind us.

Phil took off driving and Jake was explaining to his camera what happened.

I was able to hear my heart beat and I had just dropped my head. Nothing ever goes right with these dumbass videos. These guys never think, always putting themselves in danger because of it. It pisses me off.

He had dropped the three of us off at Kat's, since my car was there. Also, Jake needed somewhere to sleep for tonight, so earlier I agreed to letting him stay. And as for Ademir, he just wanted to come along with us.

Once, i got to my house, the guys had made themselves at home and of course, planned on sleeping in my room instead of the guest room. Which is normal. "Ell come lay with us." It had sounded like an invite to a threesome, like the day they were both trying to fuck chucky. It was gross.

I only had gotten three hours asleep and my sister has school in two, so i can at least get an hour of sleep in.

I had made Jake more over and laid inbetween the both them. Ademir was already passed out and Jake was slowly falling asleep with his phone in his hand. His eyes quickly closed and I had took it from him, placing it on the charger before laying down and going to sleep.

Kat and Layla, were blowing up my phone. Mike had told them about Cali and now they want to know what I want to do. And in all honesty, i don't know.

What felt like a decade, only an hour had passed. My sister flicked my ear, waking me up. Jake was spawled out on the bed, leaving, only me and Ademir a small proption. My body was wrapped around his and just his arm was lightly placed on my hip and the other on his belly.

Before leaving, i grabbed my keys and checked my phone. They still were talking about it.

I had just got home from dropping off Stella at school snd now I'm meeting with Kat and Layla so we can get situated with what we are going to do when Jake, Mikey, and Gavin leave to Cali in three weeks. We are still debating on weither or not to go with them or stay home. We had been planning and moving out there for the longest time, just always put it on hold. I've been saving money since junior to get the fuck out of Jeresy. Never thought I'd be thinking about moving across the country with my two bestfriends.

Layla had pulled up to Kat's the same time as I did. We walked in and she was sitting on the couch with a huge smile on her face.

"I booked our flight." Our jaws dropped and we couldn't believe that she bought our tickets. We havent even talked about going to California yet. Nothing is planned we have no place to stay and they two idiots haven't even saved money. "My Dad had said, that if we don't go we'll just end up staying out in our small town." I shook my head.

It's the truth.

We've been talking about this forever and nothing hasn't happened. It took five minutes to change our live's.

Now, we need to Mikey and Jake that we are on board with going to California with them.

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