Chapter 16

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It's been a few days since we've been out in California and the boys have been reckless ever since we landed. Now, that they are with all their friends, it's nothing but annoying ass people around their apartment day and night. Lucky for me, I had just got the keys to my apartment yesterday and ahead of the game already. My bed, my cable, my internet, water, electricity and everything else is already set up. Just my livingroom and kitchen need to be done.

I was in the middle of unpacking all my clothes, when the guys had decided they wanted to come over. "Wow, everything is looking nice so far." Mike had went looking around the house, going in each room, showing his camera. After he had just sat on my bed along with Gavin. "Don't get why, you got your own apartment? Should've just stayed with us." Gavin had added.

Since the moment I told the guys I had signed the papers for my apartment, they haven't been okay with it. They wanted me just to share an apartment with them so, it wouldn't be a struggle. But now they are making it one. Which it shouldn't be such a big deal, i'm literally a whole two doors from them. It's not even that far.

"Oh we have to go, they want to go get something to eat." Mike had tapped on Gavin's arm. I just looked at them, waiting for the causal invite. Instead, they had just got up and left, yelling a quick goodbye before shutting my door shut. I left out a heavy sigh and just continued to put away my clothes and set up everything in my room, before heading out to Target to buying a few things i need for my kitchen.

As I was walking out the apartment I had ran into one of Mike's Cali friends. They had gave me a quick hug and asked why I wasn't hanging out with him and the others. "Uh, they had went out to eat and I have a busy schedule today." I gave him a smile and he had laughed. They probably didn't invite him either. But what's new. They have been acting different since Charlie got here like two days ago. Not saying it's his fault but, them being out in California is a whole different life style for them.

Target actually felt like a safe place for once. Didn't feel like someone was watching every step i make, like the ones in Jeresy. I was able to shop and not get bothered. And none of the guys were with me, so also, no vlog cameras around or in my face. This is my safe place. "Excuse me Miss." Too soon. I looked back and had saw this guy, about the height of Jake, probably a little taller, with high brown hair and nice hazle eyes. "You dropped this, i've been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes." He had gave me a smile as he handed back my phone. Before grabbing it from him, i patted all my pockets, realizing that I actually almost lost my phone in Target. "Thank you." I had given him a smile and grabbed my phone. It was awkward, he was just standing, about to start twiddling his thumbs. "Brennen." He shook my hand as he introduced himself. "Ellie, nice meeting you."

Before leaving Target we exchanged numbers and talked for a little. He seems like a nice guy, but I'm not looking for a relationship anytime soon.

Mike had came over after him and the guys were out and had did some exploring around the hills. We had planned on just staying in but ended up changing our minds and went out to Walmart to fuck something up, or just shop. Which ever happens first.

As we were walking into Walmart, this cowboy looking motherfucker had followed us into the store. The whole time we were walking around, he was at almost every corner. I had went to go to the bathroom, and as I walked out he was standing there. "Excuse me." I tried to push past him but he stayed in my way. Everytime time that I moved he went with me. After, about two minutes, it was getting annying. "Get the fuck out of my way." When i tried to push him out of my way he grabbed my wrist and looked around, making sure no one was looking. The store empty, nobody was around and none of the other workers were giving no fucks.

He pushed me against the wall and looked at me up and down. "Looking mighty fine." His cold hand had touched my stomach. I felt a tear stream down my cheek. All the memories were coming back. I tightly closed my eyes, waiting for him to stop. My body was frozen and I didn't know what to do. "My boyfriend--" He put his hand over my mouth and smiled. A few words were mumbled under his breath before his hand had gone under my sweater, touching my boobs, getting joy out of it. I had pushed him away but he got me agressive with me. This time he had slammed me on the wall, pushing me back further into the ladies room and shoving me into a stall. At this moment, I didn't know what to do. My fight or flight wasn't active, every part of me was froze, and self defence wasn't kicking in. All that was running in my head was, it's happening again.

Once he finished, I had just sat on the bathroom floor for a minute. My knees to my chest, staring at the wall. It happened again and I didn't have the balls to stop it. Mike had called my phone a few times durning and everytime his named popped up, the guy had got mad and would hit me. He said that if i screamed that he wouldn't hesitate kill me.

I went looking around the store for Mike, depending on whether or not I tell him. He doesn't need the stress on him. "Ellie." He called at the end of the alsie. We walked towards eachother and the smile on his face told me not to say one word about what happened, but I had hugged him, breaking down. "It happened... again."

Fun at 3am // Mikey ManfsWhere stories live. Discover now