Chapter 12

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Last, night I had spend the night over at Mikey's house because my nap ended up being a slumper. This morning I was woken by him shooting me in the butt with his nerf gun bow and arrow. He was getting ready to leave, so i tagged along since, i wasn't doing much today. Tyler and Stella were at school, both getting dropped off at my house after. So Mike and I just spent that time together, until Jake and his girlfriend tagged along. Ashley, I'm not too fond of but, if Jake's happy, ill just tolerate with her. We had just gone around, playing with Manfs' nerf guns are playing around in stores, almost getting kicked out. The usual.

"Where's Ademir? She had asked as soon as she joined in me in the back seat of Manfs' car. I just shrugged my shoulders and looked out the window.

What a bitch move.

It was an hour until Tyler and Stella get out of school, so Mike had dropped me off at home, so I can pick the both of them up from school. Mom duties, how great.

For the time remaining I just walked around my house and debated on wheither or not to eat. If i don't eat I can take them out to get food or don't.

Stella had texted saying, McNalley was joining along, since he was going over to Tyler's. Sometimes, this makes me feel like a soccer Mom. Usual, they take the bus and get dropped off at home but lately, they had been making me pick them up from school. Which im fine with but, sometimes it gets annoying. Picking up the three of them isn't much but sometimes Phil has me get his brother or one of them is having a friend over. And since this is a favor I don't care for gas money but when it's driving nine fucking million hours from my house, its annoying.

All three of them were waiting to get picked up in the front of the school. As usual, Tyler and Stella fight over the front seat as Ryan just gets in the back. Same routine over and over.

"Ademir is calling." Stella pointed to my phone and i glanced over at it.

She had handed back to Tyler and he was engaged into a conversation with him. Which I was fine with because, i don't feel like talking to Ademir, he pissed me off last night. Yes, again. No one ever said we had the greatest relationship. "He's at your home." Tyler had said before handing me my phone back. I rolled my eyes and placed in the cup holder.

"Wow! Look at that sexy little thing." Mike had gotten home as I pulled up to drop off Tyler and Ryan. I had given him a smile and he had me stopped for about ten minutes, just talking about the whole Cali situation. "Look who decided they wanted to show up." The little fucker had shouted from the top of the stairs, not even bothering to come down and have an actual conversation with us. Again, I rolled my eyes and contiued with Mike.

Not too long after, he had gotten tired of me just ignoring him and came down stairs.

He had walked over to my car and smacked me on my forehead, making my sister laugh. "Plan on having a actual conversation with me?" He had asked. I shook my head and went on my phone, not wanting to talk to him. "Oh so you can buy tickets for California but won't talk to me?" I nodded my head and laughed, "And that matters because..."

Before leaving, I had flipped Jake off and he chased me down the street.

Stell and I went out to eat at Wendy's meeting up with Ademir, since we don't plan on ever go straight home anymore. "Thought this was a date?" That was the first thing he had said when he saw my sister. "Yeah, you're third wheeling, not me." She patted his arm and got up when they called the food order. "She really does have a fat ass." He had almost broke his neck as she walked passed him. "Thank volleyball." He had nearly started to drool the moment he heard volleyball. It was disgusting.

Back at home, we actually had a one on one conversation about California. Aruging over it, isn't something that is worth wasting my breathe on.

"You're leaving for three months, what am i suppose to do?" He had asked and I laughed, "Focus on making music or getting rid of your dad belly."

Time had quickly flew by and it was about time for Mikey and Jake to bug the fuck out of me. Making me go with them on their little challenges.

Once they invaded my home, it had took a minute before realizing that they didn't have their vlog cameras for once. Well, Jake didn't Mike had just came from filming a video with Gavin. "It took one ouija board video to rekindel you're relationship?" Mike had sat on my bed, eating his sour patch kids. It was quite before Mike had brought up Phil's and Ademir's new song and everything he was saying in it. I had just laughed because Ademir was like a tomatoe.

"Getting you to love them some more... okay, i'll remember that?" I paused the song and had given him a fake upset look and shook my head. He had believed that I was truly upset about it. The others had just played along and hyped up the situation. By the end of the song he was believing all of us. Until, Jake had ruined it and out of nowhere he pulled up his camera saying that we all finessed his ass. He just laugh and threw the pillow at me.

Later, Jake was just making a night vlog, to fill up the time he needed to make a normal lenght video. "Who do you think only love is about?" He had started to interview me and just testing if i was good enough for him and him me. Which i had found completely stupid, "Dude they been together for what feels like three years, this is pointless." Mike shook his head and got him to stop filming.

"We're leaving, and we're taking you lover." I gave them a thumbs up and pulled my blanket up to my face, watching my youtube videos. He had walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, I looked up thinking it was Jake or Ademir but it was mikey, i pushed him away and threw my phone at him, "Nasty fucker!" I laughed. He had tossed me my phone and flipped me off. "Love you too, you little bitch."

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