Chapter 18

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At three in the morning, someone was loudly pounding on my door, like I was going to wake up from my fucking slumber to answer it. It had kept going on for almost a whole two minutes. These fuckers weren't getting the hint that my ass isn't going to get up and answer the fucking door. I had ended up getting up and answering the damn door, to see Jake, Mikey and whoever the fuck the other friend name was. They were breathing hard and panicing, saying that, 'there was someone in their house.' At first, I didn't believe but almost, I was half asleep. Until, they had made me walk down to their apartment and saw cups thrown everywhere and the cabinets were opened. My first reaction was, "This isn't that good of a prank if you're trying to get me." They had said no, screaming when the patio door opened. Again, wasn't phased, just thought they were trying to prank me.

I shut and closed everything while, they stood behind the couch and watched me clean up their apartment. "Nasty ass! Why is there blood in the sink... and on the floor?" I asked, after seeing the clots of blood. Jake and Mikey were trying to say what had happened, yelling over eachother, trying to tell me the story. I stood there confused. "They played with the fucking ouija board and Mike tried to call Jason and Freddy!" The one friend had yelled. Instead of being serious, I had busted out laughing, not believing the bullshit coming out of their mouths. "Jason, Jake's roll model? They are characters."

A loud bang had came from upstairs and Gavin had came running down the stairs. "What the fuck did you guys do?" He asked. Now, it was obvious that everyone was trying to prank me. So, being all ballsie, I had gone upstairs and checked it out.

When I walked in the empty room and looked around, the door had slammed behind me. This had made me jump at first. "Nice try now open the door." The door wasn't locked but nor was it opening. I banged on the door, calling for the guys, trying to hear if they were there. For some odd reason, the room had became sound proof when I was yelling. It had been a few minutes and nobody has came and opened the door. My mind was playing tricks on me and I had started to see stuff and hear whispers. "STOP! JAKE! OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, banging on the door. I started to panic and it felt like someone was in the same room as me.

The door had finally opened. I had ran out, bumping into Mikey. My first reaction was too hug him tight, then beat the living shit out of him and the others. Nobody had heard me scream or even bothered to check after the ten minute I was in there for. "I was going!" Mike yelled, after hearing what I had to say. There was no point of dealing or aruging with that situation right now. The boys apartment is haunted and there is no shot of me spending the night here any time soon.

For the most part of the night, the guys were at my place, watching youtube videos and eat all the food I don't have in my pantry.

"Wow, baby Ell got her life together faster than Mike can beat off." Jake had went around my apartment. Finally getting to see the final touches to the whole place. They left a mess in the kitchen and went messing around the house not caring. "Thanks." I followed after them, once I cleaned up their mess.

Jake's Pov

"It's too early for this, I just fell asleep." Ell walked downstairs into the kitchen. She quitely looked through the cabinets. Once she found what she was looking for, she put on her sandals and left her apartment. I sat up and went upstairs. Manfs was still asleep in the bed and his phone was on the nightstand, connected to the charger. Where could she be going? There's not one person in the entire city that she knows besides us and some of our friends. I walked out into the hallway and saw her at the end, talking to some guy. She gave him a hug and he did too. But this dude, had no problem with keeping his hands to himself. It truly made me want to beat the shit out of him.

She came back inside. Placing her keys on the counter and sandals by the door. "Where'd you go?" I asked and she let out a sigh. "Down to my car, apparently my sister had left something in the backseat." It didn't sound like a lie, maybe that girl wasn't her. I mean, she has a thing with Manfs, why would she be talking to another guy. Ell isn't that type of person. Playing two guys at once isn't her thing.

"Wait." I sat back up and looked at her. Before she went upstairs she had showed me messages from Ademir. He blew up her phone, begging for them to get back together. I had read through all the snapchat messages and he seems desperate. I looked up at her, confused as to why he was saying the stuff, "Keep reading." She says many times, that she's not into him anymore and it's been almost two months since they talked, why does he want her now? He was begging her to call him and text back."Are you almost done?" She asked. "Almost." But I had read a little past what she told me to read and found out some stuff. "You and Manfs are dating?" 

Fun at 3am // Mikey ManfsWhere stories live. Discover now