Harry - I'm Sorry I Wasn't Good Enough

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The words circled my head. Slowly killing me with every second that went by.

I don't know how I could have ever been in love with someone as selfish and coldhearted as you!  You're the most demon minded person I've ever met in my life! I hate you!

 Those last three words made the tears come out of my eyes like waterfalls. I hate you

I sat on the floor of my room, looking out into the sunset. A cool breeze was coming in through the window and it cooled the heatness on my cheeks.

I never meant to hurt him. Harry of all people. 

I just wasn't ready for a child. 

My phone buzzed as a mobile notification from Twitter lightened up my screen.

"@Harry_Styles: So cold. So, so cold. I'm sorry I ever wasted my time. You just weren't worth it."

You didn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out  that Harry was talking about me.

I sniffled and picked up my phone. I logged onto Twitter and already my mentions were being blown up.

"How could you hurt my baby!"

"You're such an evil person to hurt Harry like that!"

"I KNEW you guys weren't going to last! HAHAHAHA!"

Majority of the tweets were like this. 

Nobody even knew what happened!  

"I'm sorry that you guys didn't work out :("

"You guys were amazing together! What happened?!"

"You're beautiful! :)"

I composed a new tweet.

"I never wanted to hurt you. I love you more than life itself. And if I can't be with you ..."

I pressed enter and pushed my phone away from me. I looked at my wrists.


Harry helped me through the hardest time of my life. I jumped up and ran to the kitchen. I opened the drawer that I usually keep mail in and searched until I found the box cutter.

I ran back to my room and stared at the object, throwing it in between my hands. My phone buzzed. And then my ringtone went off.


I let it ring. I didn't want to be bothered with anymore sarcastic, heartbreaking remarks at the moment. 

My ringtone went off again.


I called my inbox and listened to the same automatic lady talk.

"You have 1 new message and 1 saved message. First new message."

"[Y/N], please don't do anything dumb. Please, I'm begging you!" I heard his voice crack.

"I'm sorry! Please, please! I love you! I'll do anything, please don't make the wrong decision! You're better than that!"

"End of message."

My heart throbbed and sent another dose of pain throughout my body. The amount of pain in his voice was just too much to handle.

I held the box cutter to my wrist and pressed down. It punctured my skin, warm blood overflowing all over the floor.

I moved the box cutter, making a deep cut right next to my vain. I could end this now. I could take all the pain away.

I looked out my open window and whispered into the wind.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I was never good enough." I moved the metal over my vain.

My vision blurred and my hearing was slowly dying out.


Harry came back. 


Those were the last words I heard right before my mind blacked out.

I'm sorry I was never good enough. 

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