Ziall - A Love Triangle ... And Pizza

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~This is one of my longer one shots. I hope you enjoy it, personally one of my favorites. There isn't too much Ziall in this one, but it's based on them! :) x~

"Have you got the slightest clue what you've done, Zayn?!"

"Ni, I'm sorry! I didn't know!"

"How could you not know?! That was the last pizza slice in the box!" 

I sat, awkwardly, in the living room while Zayn and Niall had their little ... argument. Who knew Niall could get that ticked off about Zayn eating the last slice. 

"Niall, I'll buy you another pizza!" Zayn said, sighing and giving me a glance. I covered my mouth as I giggled, he looked genuinely sorry. 

"No! I don't want anything from you!" Niall shouted, pouting and tapping his foot. He spun around on his heel and looked at me. He shot me a puppy dog look.

"[Y/N]," he whined, "can you take me to get more pizza?"

"Niall, why can't you just or-"

"Pleeaasssee! I love you best friend!" He ran over to me and pulled me up, giving me a tight squeeze. Zayn gave me a half hearted smile and played with the tips of his sneakers. Did I mention I'm in the middle of a love triangle? Yeah, well, lemme tell you.

Zayn is in love with Niall, Niall is in love with me and I'm in love with Zayn. So ... yeah, now you know. Zayn and I were best friends since we were younger. We went to grade school together, we tell each other everything. The only thing I kept from him was the fact that I am deeply in love with him. I was going to tell him one day, I couldn't hold back. He said he had something to tell me, so we went for a coffee and that's when he told me about his feelings for Niall. My heart broke when he said he loved his best friend. Not only because I love him, but because earlier that week, Niall told me that he had feelings for me. I couldn't tell Zayn, he would hate me and I can't lose him. I mean ... he's my best friend.

"Let Zayn take you!"

"He can't drive yet!"

"Then walk! Fresh air would do you good!" 

He glared at me and walked over to the stand my car keys were on and took them.

"Niall, what are-"

"If you won't drive me, I'll drive myself!"

"I'll take you! I'll take you. Just ... give me the keys please!"

"Yay! Thanks, love!" He handed me my keys and pecked my cheek. His lips lingered there a little longer than they should've. He pulled away from me and smiled and ran out of the house, a little spring in his step.

"Do you want anything Zayn?" 

"Him." My heart throbbed and I sighed, I ran over to him and gave him a quick hug. "By the way, you're my best friend, too." 

"I know, always." I turned to walk out the door, but he pulled me back. 

"[Y/N], you would never lie to me ... right?"

"Of course not Zayn!"

"Then ... can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Do you love him?" 

I felt my face heat up.

"No! Zayn, Niall is my best friend, don't get me wrong. I love him a lot, but in a friendly manner. I love-" I cut my sentence off before anything slipped. I can't have Zayn find out how I feel.

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