During reading you may experience; hyperventilation, screaming, crying and the loss of ovaries.
Just some funny, cute, sweet and so Narry facts and imagines...
*I use facts and imagines that I've found in internet and some that I've writte...
I belive I mentioned Mick Jagger impression before, but never posted any gifs of Narry doing it. We all know that Niall loves it when Harry does that...
Niall loves it, it's obvious...
And if you still don't believe it, just look:
I love Harry's smile and Niall's laugh when they're doing it.
And, of course, I saved my favorite for the end.
It's too much for me. They're literally the most beautiful people alive...
Okay, but I won't act like I'm happy anymore, because I have Polish account on Spotify and I'm in Spain, and it just got blocked. I was using it for 3 weeks abroad and now it just stopped working, ugh... But thankfully I have some songs on iTunes so I'll survive.