168. A Narry Fact (153)

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A Narry Fact:

Just a quick update that will include loads of food so be prepared.

Just a quick update that will include loads of food so be prepared

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Harry casually sharing Skittles with Niall on stage.

You know what, this was a bad idea, I'm already hungry... and it's just the beginning.

So Niall's teaching Harry how to eat a cookie off his forehead

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So Niall's teaching Harry how to eat a cookie off his forehead.

And well Harry is a good student only for Niall, isn't he? Anyways, he does it right so yay and Niall's actually happy and proud

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And well Harry is a good student only for Niall, isn't he? Anyways, he does it right so yay and Niall's actually happy and proud.

PS. Niall should give him a reward.

Aww, how beautiful that he wants to share with Nialler

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Aww, how beautiful that he wants to share with Nialler.

The next one looks kinda photoshopped to me idk why but just go with it.

The next one looks kinda photoshopped to me idk why but just go with it

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That's a lot of food, not that I wouldn't eat it...

Imagine Narry in a restaurant, choosing a meal together for their first date

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Imagine Narry in a restaurant, choosing a meal together for their first date.

You're welcome.

Definitely not the first time this happened

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Definitely not the first time this happened. Makes this gross food look kinda delicious tbh. Actually it looks like some Polish dish my mum would cook...

Niall, don't act like you haven't seen Harry doing this with another things

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Niall, don't act like you haven't seen Harry doing this with another things.

But that's still cute.

I'm going to sleep (actually eat but shh, my parents cannot know).


Jade ♥︎

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