103. A Narry Fact (90)

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A Narry Fact:

At the beginning I warn that I was imagining a lot of things while writing this. Sorry...

This moment really needs more appreciation.

The interviewer says that One Direction is number 1 in Spain, and Narry high five happily

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The interviewer says that One Direction is number 1 in Spain, and Narry high five happily. They of course intertwine their fingers for a moment.

But Niall releases his hand, and Harry's smile suddenly drops as he says in such a demanding tone "don't let me go!"

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But Niall releases his hand, and Harry's smile suddenly drops as he says in such a demanding tone "don't let me go!". So Niall wants to fist bump Harry, but it doesn't work out... this is too cute, I'm sorry.

And now some other moments...

And, yeah, I've been told I always overreact, but then Harry turns to Niall and does that kissy noise

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And, yeah, I've been told I always overreact, but then Harry turns to Niall and does that kissy noise. I know that you can't hear it, but still. I mean, it wasn't a kiss, more like a... I really can't find a word in any language I know. But I really like the moments when Harry just turns to Niall without a reason.

And when Niall talks, Harry stares at him intensively and listens with concentration written all over his face as he always does

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And when Niall talks, Harry stares at him intensively and listens with concentration written all over his face as he always does...

And when Niall talks, Harry stares at him intensively and listens with concentration written all over his face as he always does

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I know it's just me, but Harry looked at Niall in the way that I thought Olivia was about Niall. Well, with don't let me go it might be.

 Well, with don't let me go it might be

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And before you start to hate me. Niall urges Harry to say who Olivia is (he can be teasing his boyfriend, right?) and Harry explains that Olivia is whoever you want it to be, it's open for interpretation, that people take song in different ways so, he won't tell people what this song means to them. And it's obvious that Olivia is to Harry someone he doesn't wanna tell us about. I never thought about it before, but what if Olivia, in fact, was Niall?

And at end of interview, the interviewer says enjoy your break up, instead of your break or hiatus, and I wanted to laugh because it sounds like he tells Narry to enjoy their relationship breaking up, but then I realized that Narry on 99% broke up because of the hiatus or at least things aren't good between them because of the distance so, yeah. And a while after the man says that, Harry kind of... frowns? I don't know anymore. It's 1 A.M. (when I was writing this) and all I wanna do is to sleep so goodnight.

And you don't have to agree with my theory about Olivia, it just popped into my mind out of nowhere and I decided to share my thoughts with you. Actually, I don't believe that Olivia is Niall, but we can dream.

And thank you Carrefours (idk how to write this) for your free wifi.

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