151. A Narry Fact (137)

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A Narry Fact:

I'll leave you with that. Basically Niall loves Harry and knows everything about him. And just watch this video, it's worth it. We all know that Nelly does amazing Narry videos.

 We all know that Nelly does amazing Narry videos

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One, what that fan did was really rude. Is it that hard to respect other's privacy? I know it's Harry Styles, but he's a human being -  just like you (oops I didn't realize it at first), just like me and everyone else. Try to imagine how would you feel in his shoes.

Two, we all know that Harry belongs to Niall, so don't touch what's not yours.

Three, "you've got one of your favourite stars in front of you and your reaction is to grab them by the nuts?" We all know that's exactly what you'd do Niall. But Harry would actually enjoy it so that's fine...

Four, Niall is protective of his boyfriend as we can see.

Five, oh Niall was watching Harry's concert again? We know that when Harry walked off stage they hugged each other, but I wonder if Harry also got a good luck kiss from Niall before his gig. And what happened after the show is definitely none of my business.

I know, I suck... I'm sorry that my updates aren't the best, I don't want to blame everything on my health, I feel bad because of it, but it just isn't easy for me, but I promise I'll try my best from now on.

Prologue to my Narry fan fiction 'Flicker' since many of you said you wanted to read it... It hasn't been edited yet, there probably are mistakes and I'm going to change some things for sure, but I'll have time for that in the future, for now enjoy what you have...

Niall lies in his bed, counting down the passing seconds, trying to occupy his confused mind with anything, but him.

Fifty eight,

Fifty nine,

Sixty - another minute is gone, only 203 more.

Niall sighs loudly, rubbing his sleepy eyes, then running a hand through his already messy hair.

"Why?" he whispers to himself.

He is scared - scared of the things and thoughts that made themselves at home in his mind without any invitation.

This little voices; they all are telling him to back off, to don't fall for his games.

He will hurt you.

You promised her. She has your word, the word you so solemnly swore to keep until you die. She trusts you, she doesn't want you to struggle through another heartbreak. She left you when she was sure you wouldn't get into forbidden relationship out of your selfish and foolish reasons yet again.

"Why me?" he lets his words echo in the room, aware that no one is here to answer his query.

He knows Harry for a long time, it might seem to be enough to trust him - to give him everything - but now the world isn't the same as it used to; or that's what they say.

Niall clearly remembers how his mum always told him, 'Attachment is the first step to losing yourself, Niall. Don't trust anybody because they will use it against you'.

Yes, she made Niall familiar with every dangerous situations and things he could possibly find in the mysterious place that The New World is, but she never gave him any advice as to how he could avoid them. He doesn't know how to shut people out - he used to befriend everybody - that's what lost him; or that's what they tell him.

Attachment is the first step to losing yourself...

But he has followed her every order so far; he hasn't let anybody in, and he feels like this caused him to feel lost - more lost than any other thing could ever make him.

What do you think? Is that acceptable or should I just delete it? I've written 55 chapters already so you know... I still have about 20 more to write and I think I'll start updating at the beginning of December so it's still a lot of time...



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