July 18th

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   14 days 

 Colby Brock felt more than just broken. He was both physically and mentally drained, he was tired and smiling hurt. He was lonely as he no longer had Sam to see everyday. In the blonde's place was his voice. It was condescending, malevolent, enticing, and sweet all at the same time. Colby's body leaked sweat underneath the sweatshirt that now clung to his skin constantly, his arms mirrored to Sam's. Harsh red angry lines decorate his wrists and arms. He was now the broken boy too stubborn to ask for help. He was drowning in guilt, in self hatred, and the sound of Sam's voice. He hated what he was becoming but at the same time couldn't build the strength to stop it. Every sharp object turned into an opportunity, every angry line turned into a sigh of relief and gave him a moment of surreal happiness. He was broken but every time he looked in the mirror it felt as if he had Sam back with him. Who knew he would love, lose, and die so quick and so young? 

 Mrs. Brock was at her wits end as she banged out side of Colby's locked door. Her husband was never home and she was ultimately alone. She knew her son needed help but much like her patience's parents she was in denial. 'He is fine. He is strong. Grieving is natural he lost someone close to him.' The thoughts were no longer helping, the natural grieving turning into the clear signs of mental instability. The brunette's mother wanted to deny it was there but it was. Colby didn't just suddenly have a mental issue, it had always been there, but Mrs. Brock just refused to acknowledge it. She was a doctor but for Colby she was his mother first. The intense mood swings when he was younger and the emotions that hung on for far too long were overlooked, she then pushed him into a job he obviously couldn't handle. She gave him his trigger, Sam's death and her neglect to realize his obvious mental stability has always hung onto a loose thread was her fault. Anything Colby did was her fault, she let this happen. She could no longer proudly claim she was a great doctor, and worst of all she could no longer say she was a decent mother. 

 Both the mother and the brunette slipped into their own thoughts. One was dreaming of normalcy and the other was dreaming of blonde hair and crimson red. Both unprepared for what was to come. 

A/n: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am currently typing this alone inside my dorm. I'm sad with out my family but also excited to start my new adventure in college. I have no idea when I will be able to update next, so just keep a look out. I love you all very much, writing will definitely keep me sane while away at school!! ~Nightmare 

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